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Saturday, February 9, 2002
Friday Poll 8 February 2002

Friday Poll 8 February 2002

Aaron Lerner Date: 8 February 2002

The following are the results of a Dahaf Poll of a representative sample of
502 adult Israelis (including Israeli Arabs) carried out the week of 8
February for Yediot Ahronot. Survey error +/- 4.5 percentage points.

To what extent do you identify with the letter of the officers in which they
declared that they refuse to do reserve duty in the territories?
Identify 26% Don't identify 73% No reply 1%

[IMRA: From the wording of the question it would appear that an entire range
of possible responses was available - from "a little" to "a lot" and that
for some reason Yediot Ahronot decided to combine the categories. This is
unfortunate because considerable information is lost in the process. Yediot
Ahronot for some reason does not want to share with its readers, for
example, if most of the 26% who "identify" with the letter only identify "a
little". It should also be noted that the label "officer letter" is
deceiving since in truth many of those who signed were not officers].

The IDF decided to remove the officers from their positions. Was this a
justifiable move?
Yes 78% No 19% No reply 3%

If you could move your savings overseas would you do it?
Keep in Israel 48% Move 30% I have no savings 20% No reply 2%
[IMRA: This question needs a follow-up. Do people want to move their money
overseas because they fear their money may not be safe here or do they fear
the possibility of future changes in the tax system and want to hide their
money overseas?]

Does Sharon give you a feeling of hope or despair?
Hope 51% Despair 34% Neither 14% No reply 1%

Of the following people who do you think is most responsible for the
situation of the country today?
Sharon 28% Peres 22% Barak 19% Netanyahu 9%
All same extent 12% None 7% No reply 3%

[IMRA: It is unfortunate that the poll leaves out an obvious additional
name - Yitzhak Rabin].

Is Ariel Sharon a trustworthy prime minister?
Yes 66% No 33% No reply 1%

To what extent do you rely on Sharon to successfully lead the State?
Rely 61% Don't reply 38% No reply 1%

What grade do you give to Sharon for his performance as prime minister?
Good 68% Bad 32%

What grade do you give to Sharon for his handling the Intifada?
Good 57% Bad 43%

What grade do you give to Sharon for his handling the economic situation?
Good 23% Bad 73% No reply 4%

After a year has Sharon fulfilled your expectations?
Yes 43% No 45% Had no expectation 11% No reply 1%

Should Israel continue its meetings with Palestinian representatives?
Yes 71% No 29%

Should Israel continue the closure on Arafat?
Yes 70% No 25% No reply 5%

Are the targeted hits reducing terror?
Reducing 31% Increasing 39% No impact 27% No reply 3%

How should Israel act to remove the Iraqi and Iranian threat?
Military attack 15% Count on America 19% Diplomacy 46%
Do nothing 17% No reply 3%

Yediot Ahronot 8 February 2002

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-5480092
INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il
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Website: http://www.imra.org.il

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