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Saturday, February 9, 2002
Former US Consul Abington and an Israeli wrote Arafat's New York Times op-ed

Former US Consul Abington and an Israeli wrote Arafat's New York Times op-ed

Aaron Lerner Date: 8 February 2002

Ha'aretz Correspondent Amir Oren reported in his weekly column in today's
Hebrew edition of Ha'aretz that Edward Abington, who was the United States
consul general in Jerusalem until 1997 and is now Arafat's top paid lobbyist
in Washington, drafted Yasser Arafat's op-ed piece that appeared in last
Sunday's New York Times along with "one of the Israeli 'guardians of Oslo'".
Saeb Erekat put the finishing touches on the article.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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