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Wednesday, March 6, 2002
PCPO POLL - 25 Feb - 3 March -64.3% support suicide attacks, 52.9% oppose Peres-Abu Ala, 66.5% continue Intafada

PCPO POLL - 25 Feb - 3 March - 64.3% support suicide attacks, 52.9% oppose
Peres-Abu Ala, 66.5% continue Intafada

Poll no. 94
March 6, 2002

A recent poll conducted by the PCPO in Beit Sahour and prepared by Dr. Nabil

(64.1%) support Yasser Arafat
(66.5%) support the continuation of the Intifada.
(22.8%) support a halt to the Intifada
(64.3%) in favor of suicidal attacks in Israel
(42.9%) agree to varying degrees with the notion that the
political process is the best thing Palestinians can get given the current
International changes.
(40.7%) oppose the French initiative as to holding elections
in the Palestinian territories.
(52.9%) against the Peres - Abu Ala' proposition to put an
end to the conflict.

A recent poll conducted by the PCPO and prepared by Dr. Nabil
Kukali included a random sample of (1571) Palestinian youngsters and adults,
15 years and older, from Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East
Jerusalem. The poll reveals that a plurality (64.1%) of the Palestinians
support President Arafat, while (26.9%) oppose, and (9.0%) express no

President of the PCPO, Dr. Nabil Kukali stated that the poll was
conducted in the period February 25 - March 3, 2002, and the average age of
the respondents was (26) years. He added that the margin of error was

The Director of Public Relations at the PCPO, Dr. Walid Shomaly
stated that the non-response rate was (0.5%), and the percentage of female
respondents reached (48.5%), while that of men reached (51.5%). He said that
the composition of the sample according to location of residence was as
(53.4%) city, (33.9%) village, (12.7%) refugee camp.

Dr. Shomaly added that the survey was conducted face - to - face,
and the average size of the respondent families was (7.1) persons, and the
average number of schooling years for the respondents was (9) years.

Results of the survey were as follows:

1. France proposed holding elections in the Palestinian territories, and
announcing a Palestinian state as a basis for a new round of negotiations.
Do you support or oppose this initiative?
1. Support 41.1%
2. Oppose 42.3%
3. Do not know 16.6%

2. Some people In the West Bank and Gaza Strip currently support the
continuation of suicidal attacks inside Israel, while others call for a halt
to such attacks, which opinion is closer to yours?
1. support the continuation of suicidal attacks in Israel. 18.5%
2. call for a halt to these attacks. 64.3%
3. Do not know / refuse to answer. 17.2%

3. Please express how far you support President Yasser Arafat.
1. Strongly support 34.6%
2. Somewhat support 29.5%
3. Somewhat do not support 13.5%
4. Strongly do not support 13.4%
5. Do not know / refuse to answer. 9.0%

4. Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat do not support,
strongly do not support the notion that the political process ( the peace
process) is the best thing we can get under the current conditions
(international changes)?
1. Strongly support 18.7%
2. Somewhat support 24.3%
3. Somewhat do not support 19.2%
4. Strongly do not support 37.3%
5. No opinion. 10.5%

5. Some people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip support the continuation of
the Intifada, while others support a halt to it, which opinion is closer to
1. Continuation of the Intifada 66.5%
2. Halting the Intifada 22.8%
3. Do not know 10.7%

6. Seventeen months back i.e. to the time when the Al-Aqsa Intifada started.
Do you believe that it considerably served or harmed the Palestinian
1. Considerably served 22.0%
2. somewhat served 29.3%
3. somewhat harmed 13.5%
4. considerably harmed 20.7%
5. refuse to answer 14.5%

7. which of the following statements best describes your convictions on the
situation of the peace process between the Israelis and Palestinians. Do you
believe that peace between them will:
1. prevail next year6.6%
2. prevail during the next 2-3 years 8.6%
3. prevail during the next 5-10 years 11.3%
4. prevail during the next 20-30 years 7.4%
5. never prevail 46.7%
6. do not know 19.4%

8. Given the current political and economical conditions, are you optimistic
or pessimistic about the future?
1. Optimistic 45.4%
2. Pessimistic 43.7%
3. no opinion 10.9%

9. During the meeting that took place between Ahmad Qrei' "Abu Ala'
" and Shimon Peres in New York few weeks ago, they proposed an initiative to
put an end to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, Are you in favor or
against this initiative?
1. In favor 22.8%
2. Against 52.9%
3. do not know / refuse to answer 24.3%

Contact Persons: Dr. Nabil Kukali, Dr. Walid Shomaly
Mobile:052 801653/ 055 576290
Tel: 02 277 4846 Fax: 02 2772034.
E-mail: Kukali@p-ol.com

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