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Monday, April 1, 2002
Delegation of Leftists and Journalists attempt to smuggle terrorists from Arafat's HQ

Delegation of Leftists and Journalists attempt to smuggle terrorists from
Arafat's HQ

[Excerpted from "Palestinians shoot American journalist"
By Arieh O'Sullivan The Jerusalem Post -April, 01 2002 ]

[IMRA: For some reason the Israeli media, including both broadcast media and
The Jerusalem post and Ha'aretz, do not consider it worthy of special
attention that leftists and journalists attempted to smuggle out terrorists
from Arafat's office in Ramallah. The IDF website as of 8:10AM April 1 also
doesn't mention it. This, however, is a watershed event: these journalists
cannot claim to be "balanced" when they act to smuggle out terrorists. The
so-called "peace" activists have revealed their true role: to support
Palestinian terror against the Jewish state.]

RAMALLAH (April 1) ...

Meanwhile, the IDF arrested a delegation of some two dozen foreigners,
journalists and suspected Palestinian fugitives, on suspicion they tried to
help the fugitives escape the Palestinian Authority's Mukata compound in
Ramallah yesterday.

The army declared the area a closed military zone, but the journalists
forced their way past tanks and soldiers, into the headquarters to support
beleaguered PA Chairman Yasser Arafat.

"The reporters ran inside the building, and the soldiers did not want to
shoot at them," said OC Planning Maj.-Gen. Giora Eiland. "When they came
out, there were double the number that had gone in. Some [of those coming
out] were wanted fugitives. They used Israeli openness." The army arrested
all the journalists and suspected fugitives for questioning, Eiland said.

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