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Monday, March 10, 2003
[IMRA: Israel ignores Palestinian calls to kill settlers] The Hebron Press Office: Terrorists attack again in Hebron

[IMRA: Israel ignores Palestinian calls to kill settlers] The Hebron Press
Office: Terrorists attack again in Hebron

[IMRA: Over the past week the leadership of the PLO has been testing the
newly elected Sharon Government for its reaction to talk of a "cease-fire"
within the Green Line while hunting season continues in the territories. At
best it can be said that the Sharon Government has greeted this talk with
silence. In truth, Israeli praise for Abu Mazen - who only last week called
for using "all means"against settlers - is anything but silence.]

The Hebron Press Office hebron@hebron.org.il
Monday March 10, 2003

1. Terrorists attack again
At about 8:35 terrorists again attacked in Hebron. Snipers shot at people on
the road between Hebron and Kiryat Arba. As a result of the shooting, one
person was killed and three others wounded, including one person in critical
condition, one person with 'moderate' injuries, and one lightly wounded.

Immediately Israeli forces returned the gunfire, leading to massive shooting
in the Hebron area. As of this writing, the gunfire is continuing (9:45 pm).

A Hebron spokesman issued the following statement:

Yesterday we buried terror victims Rabbi Eli and Dina Horowitz. Over the
past three and a half months twenty six people have been murdered by Arab
terrorists in and around Hebron, including people shot and killed in their
own houses. Tonight, again, murderous Arab terror is rearing its ugly face.
The Israeli government refuses to take the necessary measures to stop the

Not long ago, at a meeting between Hebron-Kiryat Arba leaders and
high-ranking IDF officers, we were told in no uncertain terms: We know what
to do, but we do not have the tools allowing us to function. Our hands are
effectively tied. The decisions must be made by the government - the Prime
Minister, the Defense Minister, the security cabinet. Until they allow us to
move, we are helpless. This, from the mouths of senior IDF officers.

We call on all who care, to write Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, demanding
that he take the handcuffs off the IDF, allowing them to take the offensive,
allowing them to stop the attacks, allowing them to do EVERYTHING necessary
to stop the carnage. The government must immediately begin expelling
families of terrorists, evicting them not to Gaza, but to Lebanon, Syria,
Jordan. All terrorists must know that their killing actions will lead to
immediate reactions - to the expulsion of all their extended families. The
terrorists themselves must be captured, interrogated and executed, without
Write to the Prime Minister at: [pm_eng_pmo@mail.gov.il] or

2. Please pray

Please pray for Mrs. Aliza Sa'aid, who was critically wounded during Friday
night's terror attack in Kiryat Arba. Her full Hebrew name is: Aliza Naomi
bat Leah Chaya. Doctors describe her present condition as "serious but

The Jewish Community of Hebron
POB10 Kiryat Arba-Hebron 90100

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