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Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Four Dead in Attack on American Convoy- Explosives From Egypt?

Four Dead in Attack on American Convoy- Explosives From Egypt?

Aaron Lerner Date: 15 October 2003

Israel Radio Territories Correspondent Avi Yissakharov reports that 4 were
killed and one wounded by a bomb that detonated under a car bearing
diplomatic plates in a convoy of 3 armored cars 2 kilometers south of Erez
Crossing. It is not clear if the dead are Americans. Envoy John Wolf is
overseas. The vehicle that blew up was torn to shreds with pieces thrown as
far as 30 meters. Yissakharov termed the convoy a "CIA convoy". Israel
Radio correspondent Shmulik Tal reports that he has been advised that the
four dead were from a security company hired by the American Embassy.

The convoy was lead by a Palestinian security car.

Brig.Gen (res.) Zvi Poleg told Israel Radio in an interview after the attack
that the explosives could have been smuggled from Egypt through the
smuggling tunnels. Poleg charged that Egypt was violated its treaty
obligations in allowing the smuggling of weapons, explosives and ammunition
from Egypt to the Palestinians via smuggling tunnels. He noted that members
of the Egyptian Army have been involved in the smuggling and that the
Egyptians are well aware of the operations but have not acted to stop the
operations. He noted that over 60 smuggling tunnels were located and
destroyed by Israel in the last year.

Military historian, Col. (res.) Meir Pail, who is known for his leftist
orientation, told Israel Radio after the attack that "there is no question
that if Egypt wanted to they could put an end to the weapons smuggling
immediately, but they don't want to. They want to support the

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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