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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Saudi sermon: Israeli Conspiracy Behind Riyadh Terror? O God, destroy the occupier Jews

Saudi sermon: Israeli Conspiracy Behind Riyadh Terror? O God, destroy the
occupier Jews
[FBIS (US Government service) Translated Excerpt]
[With thanks to www.mideastweb.org/mewnews1.htm ]

Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia TV1 in Arabic, official television station of
the Saudi Government, at 0915 GMT, 14 November 2003 carries a 23-minute live
sermon from the Holy Mosque in Mecca.

An unidentified shaykh delivers the sermon. He begins by praising God, the
messenger, and his companions and advises people to obey God, stressing that
the blessed month of Ramadan is a month of worshipping and love for God and
his messenger. He also urges Muslims to treat one another well. The imam
devotes the first sermon to obedience to God as a way to success.

In the second sermon, the imam calls on Muslims to refrain from "hurting
faithful men and women, spreading panic, killing innocent people, and
shedding prohibited blood." He says: "Do they want to make themselves fuel
for blind sedition? What is the purpose of the black crime of killing
children and women in the month of Islam, in a Muslim capital, and in a
Muslim country, the country of the two holy mosques? They kill and spread
destruction. What is the purpose of this crime and how can we explain this

Turning to the situation in the "occupied" Palestinian territories, the imam
says that at a time when children, women, and men in Palestine "are killed
and their homes are demolished," "other children, women, and men in Riyadh
are killed, their homes are demolished, and their property is destroyed."
Condemning Israeli practices, the imam also says: "Terrorist Israel is
spreading corruption in Palestine, and other terrorists are spreading
corruption in Riyadh. Israel hates, kills, besieges, and displaces Muslims
in Palestine. What do these killers in Riyadh want? Do terrorists in Israel
and Riyadh have the same goal? Is it their goal to kill more Arabs and
Muslims and to spread panic, trouble, and violence? Do they coordinate their

The imam then urges the society "to raise its voice and to close their ranks
in order to protect the country and people from killing and black
destruction." He praises the Saudi security forces and urges media organs to
play "a special role" by projecting the role of the citizen "as a real

Concluding, the imam prays to God: "O God, strengthen Islam and Muslims,
humiliate infidelity and infidels, and disappoint tyrants, atheists, and
Islam's enemies. O God, help your faithful servants score victory. O God,
protect us and our homelands and give wisdom to our leaders." He goes on: "O
God, help the mujahidin score victory, elevate your word, and strengthen
your religion. O God, help them score victory in Palestine and elsewhere. O
God, help them defeat their enemy and your enemy. O God, destroy the
occupier Jews, who are spreading tyranny and corruption."

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