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Saturday, January 10, 2004
Correspondence with UNESCO on Protocols of Elders of Zion in Alexandria

Correspondence with UNESCO on Protocols of Elders of Zion in Alexandria

Dr. Berel Dov Lerner, Lecturer in Philosophy
Western Galilee Academic College - Akko, Israel
bd_lerner@hotmail.com dovb@wgalil.ac.il

10 January 2004

Here is the final installment of my correspondence with the UNESCO
Spokeswoman regarding the display of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in
the new library in Alexandria. Read from bottom up to follow the correct
chronological order. It is interesting to compare her first letter, which

"The facts reported by you were indeed drawn to the attention of the
Director-General. Thereupon, he immediately gave instructions that an
investigation be carried out in order to ascertain the truthfulness of these
allegations.... You may rest assured of UNESCO's continued concern and
vigilance in this important matter."

With her final statement:

"UNESCO having obtained satisfaction from the authorities of the Library of
Alexandria in the matter of the public display of the Protocols, we consider
that it cannot take any further action. You will certainly understand that
it cannot interfere in the internal affairs of a national institution."

Perhaps this could serve as a useful precedent for Israeli responses to UN
criticism. Next time a UN agency complains about Israel's policies towards
the Palestinians, an Israeli "authority" should just pick up a phone to the
appropriate Director-General and promise that everything is OK, thus
allowing the UN to "obtain satisfaction."

----- Original Message -----
From: de Pierrebourg, Muriel
To: 'Berel Dov Lerner'
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: Query regarding library exhibit

First, let me reiterate UNESCO's continuing concern about the promotion of
anti-Semitism and its readiness to do whatever it can to counter it, with
due regard for its position as an intergovernmental agency. It intercedes at
the level appropriate to it, i.e. with its partners, both governmental and
intergovernmental, or through the media in cases where the Organization is
directly involved.

UNESCO having obtained satisfaction from the authorities of the Library of
Alexendria in the matter of the public display of the Protocols, we consider
that it cannot take any further action. You will certainly understand that
it cannot interfere in the internal affairs of a national institution.

It is for the Director of the Library, as he deems fit, to determine the
truthfulness of and take action on the original report and the statements
attributed to the director of the Manuscripts Museum. Investigative
journalists are of course free to pursue the matter to their own

Best regards

Muriel de Pierrebourg

Porte-parole du Directeur général
Spokeswoman for the Director-General
7, Place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris
Tel : 00 33 1 45 68 13 26
Fax : 00 33 1 45 68 55 66

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Berel Dov Lerner [mailto:bd_lerner@hotmail.com]
Envoyé : jeudi 8 janvier 2004 18:22
À : de Pierrebourg, Muriel
Cc : secretariat@bibalex.org; information@wiesenthal.net;
imra@netvision.net.il; MEMRI
Objet : Re: Query regarding library exhibit

Thank you for your very prompt response. Please allow me to trouble you
with one further question. May I assume from your response that UNESCO has
taken no action on the "Protocols" affair beyond talking to the Western
press and to the Library's director (which has led to the removal of the
Protocols from display), and has undertaken no investigative steps beyond
asking for clarifications from the Library's Director?

Many thanks,

Berel Dov Lerner
----- Original Message -----
From: de Pierrebourg, Muriel
To: 'Berel Dov Lerner'
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: RE: Query regarding library exhibit

Thank you, for your message, unfortunatly, I'm not in the capacity to
give you more information on this matter. I sent you all the elements I
received. May I suggest you to contact directly the Director of the Librairy
who annouced an internal enqury ?
Best regards and all best wishes for the new Year.
Muriel de Pierrebourg
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Berel Dov Lerner [mailto:bd_lerner@hotmail.com]
Envoyé : jeudi 8 janvier 2004 08:52
À : de Pierrebourg, Muriel
Cc : secretariat@bibalex.org; information@wiesenthal.net
Objet : Re: Query regarding library exhibit

I realize that I first sent this letter close to the Christmas/ New
Year holiday, so that it may have easily been lost among a sea of
accumulated email. I hope you won't mind that I have taken the liberty of
resending it.

With all best wishes for the New Year,

Berel Dov Lerner
----- Original Message -----
From: Berel Dov Lerner
To: de Pierrebourg, Muriel ; secretariat@bibalex.org ;
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: Query regarding library exhibit

Dear Ms. de Pierrebourg,

Thank you for your informative response. Mr. Serageldin's comments
and news of the Library's internal measures are most welcome. I am sure
that UNESCO's own investigation must have brought to light objective
evidence corroborating Mr. Serageldin's version of the events in question.
Granting the quite reasonable assumption that Mr. Serageldin's version is,
in fact, accurate, I assume that the Library and UNESCO have taken steps
both against the Egyptian journalist who published the fabricated version of
the "Protocols affair" as well as steps to make the Egyptian public aware of
the true course of events.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me just a little more
regarding the methods and findings of UNESCO's investigation and the
measures taken to clear the Library's good name among the citizens of Egypt.

My thanks to you again.

Best regards,

Berel Dov Lerner
----- Original Message -----
From: de Pierrebourg, Muriel
To: 'Berel Dov Lerner' ; 'secretariat@bibalex.org' ;
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 12:04 PM
Subject: RE: Query regarding library exhibit

Dear Mr Lerner,

Following UNESCO's firm position and reaction, the Director of
the Library of Alexandria, Mr Serageldin publicaly stated, on 4 December
2003: "the book was promptly withdrawn from public display" (...) "but its
very inclusion showed bad judgment and insensitivity, and an internal
administrative hearing is uderway to determine whether further actions are
to be taken" he added. He also precised that "Preliminary investigation
determined that the book was briefly displayed in a showcase devoted to
rotating samples of curiosities and unusual items in our collections. The
book was never displayed alongside the Jewish Torah, nor has it ever been
stated that it is a holy book or the basis for a Jewish constitution. The
book is well-known at a 19th century fabrication to foment anti-jewish
feelings" he said. This communiqué was comprehensively relayed by medias.

For additionnal information, please find enclosed the message by
Mr Matsuura on the occasion of the seminar dedicated to the Protocols of the
Elders of Zion: A Paradigm for Contemporary Hate" (Venice, 7-8 December
Best regards
Muriel de Pierrebourg

De : Berel Dov Lerner [mailto:bd_lerner@hotmail.com]
Envoyé : samedi 13 décembre 2003 19:56
À : de Pierrebourg, Muriel; secretariat@bibalex.org
Cc : information@wiesenthal.net
Objet : Re: Query regarding library exhibit

Dear Ms. de Pierrebourg,

After our exchange of letters, I read media reports regarding
UNESCO's firm treatment of the Protocols affair. Has the investigation been
concluded? I have not seen any mention of the results of the investigation
in the news media.

Many thanks and best regards,

Berel Dov Lerner

----- Original Message -----
From: de Pierrebourg, Muriel
To: 'Berel Dov Lerner' ; secretariat@bibalex.org
Cc: information@wiesenthal.net
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: Query regarding library exhibit

Thank you for contacting UNESCO.

The facts reported by you were indeed drawn to the attention
of the Director-General. Thereupon, he immediately gave instructions that an
investigation be carried out in order to ascertain the truthfulness of these

It appears from an initial response given by the competent
services of the Library of Alexandria that the forgery known as The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion is not on display in its premises. We are
now waiting for an official written confirmation of this information from
the highest authorities of the Library.

You may rest assured of UNESCO's continued concern and
vigilance in this important matter.

Muriel de Pierrebourg

Porte-parole du Directeur général
Spokeswoman for the Director-General
7, Place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris
Tel : 00 33 1 45 68 13 26
Fax : 00 33 1 45 68 55 66
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Berel Dov Lerner [mailto:bd_lerner@hotmail.com]
Envoyé : mardi 2 décembre 2003 23:47
À : secretariat@bibalex.org
Cc : spokesperson@unesco.org; bpiweb@unesco.org;
Objet : Query regarding library exhibit
Importance : Haute

Dear Sirs,

I have just seen the following item that is being circulated
on the Internet:

Recently, a manuscript museum opened at the new Alexandria
Library, which
was renovated by the Egyptian and Italian governments via
UNESCO. In the
November 17, 2003 issue of the Egyptian weekly Al-Usbu',
correspondent Jihan
Hussein reported(1) that the museum had added "The Protocols
of the Elders
of Zion" to the display case of the holy books of the
religions, next to a Torah. The book on display is the first
translation of
the "Protocols" into Arabic, by Muhammad Khalifa Al-Tunisi,
and its binding,
according to the report, features "a Star of David, the
Bolshevik Jewish
symbol, surrounded by symbolic snakes." The following is an
interview with
the museum's director, Dr. Yousef Ziedan, in which he
explains why he
decided to add the "Protocols" to the exhibit:

'The Protocols of Zion Are More Important Than the Torah'

"When my eyes fell upon the rare copy of this dangerous
book, I decided
immediately to place it next to the Torah. Although it is
not a monotheistic
holy book, it has become one of the sacred [tenets] of the
Jews, next to
their first constitution, their religious law, [and] their
way of life. In
other words, it is not merely an ideological or theoretical

"Perhaps this book of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'
is more
important to the Zionist Jews of the world than the Torah,
because they
conduct Zionist life according to it... It is only natural
to place the book
in the framework of an exhibit of Torah [scrolls]."

Is this story factually accurate?

Many thanks,

Berel Dov Lerner
Lecturer in Philosophy
Western Galilee Academic College
Akko, Israel

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