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Thursday, January 29, 2004
[Failed concept]Palestinian Cop, Member of Arafat's Fatah Murders 10 In Bus Suicide Bombing

Palestinian Cop, Member of Arafat's Fatah Murders 10 In Bus Suicide Bombing

[IMRA: So much for the "concepts". Ali Yusuf Jaara carried out a murderous
suicide bombing today.

Concept #1 Suicide bombers are the product of poverty - give them employment
and you stop the attacks

Reality #1 Ali Yusuf Jaara, a 24-year-old Palestinian policeman from
Bethlehem was gainfully employed. He supported his extended family with his

Concept #2 Recruit the terrorists in PA security to prevent them from
carrying out attacks

Reality #2 Ali Yusuf Jaara, a 24-year-old member of Yasser Arafat's Al Aqsa
Martyrs' Brigades was employed by the PA as a policeman.]

10 dead in suicide bombing on J'lem bus; Al-Aqsa claims attack
By Haaretz Staff and Agencies 29 January 2004

Ten people were killed and at least 50 wounded in a suicide bombing on a bus
in central Jerusalem, shortly before 9 A.M. Thursday.

The blast took place on Egged bus No. 19, on the corners of Arlozorov and
Gaza streets, very close to the official residence of Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon, who was not in the building at the time. The site of the explosion
is also close to the Moment Cafe, where 13 people were killed in a March
2002 suicide bombing.

Magen David Adom said that 10 people were in serious condition, 15 had
moderate wounds and the rest sustained light injuries. All of the wounded
were taken to hospitals in the Jerusalem area.

The Fatah-related Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the
attack. Palestinian sources named the bomber as Ali Yusuf Jaara, a
24-year-old Palestinian policeman from Bethlehem.

Palestinian security officials said later Thursday that the bomber was a
member of the Palestinian police, from the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

The bomber was in the back of the bus when the explosives were detonated,
said Jerusalem Police Commander Mickey Levy.

"It was a very serious attack on a bus packed with passengers," Levy said.
"According to what we know at the moment... we're talking about a suicide

The blast tore apart the bus, turning it into a twisted wreck. Shattered
glass lay on the ground. One side of the bus had been blown out and the back
half of the roof was blown off.

Channel Ten quoted the driver of the bus, who was wounded in the attack, as
saying that he did not see anyone suspicious get on the bus.

"It was like a pastoral scene - the sun was shining and it was serene
outside - but the bus was a nightmare. Bodies were sitting in their chairs,
burnt, motionless," said witness Drora Resnick.

"There were burnt children sitting together. People started rushing off the
bus, but they were still there, not moving."

A resident of the area, who only gave his first name, Ofer, said he heard
the blast and ran to the scene.

"I saw sights that we are now becoming used to seeing: a bus with its back
part cut off, people jumping from the bus," he told Channel 10.

Stephane Ben Shushan, who owns a chocolate store in the upscale
neighborhood, was walking to work and was outside his shop, about 10 meters
away, when the explosion went off.

"It's indescribable," he said. "It's a real nightmare, you can smell the
blood." He said there was heavy traffic and the bus was driving slow at the

The explosion came just two days after senior Egyptian officials made
another attempt to win a pledge from Palestinian militants to halt attacks
on Israelis.

The attack was a further setback to international efforts to bring about a
resumption of peace talks. The U.S.-led road map peace plan has been stalled
almost since its inception in June of last year.

The Palestinian Authority condemned the bombing, and senior Palestinian
negotiator Saeb Erekat called for a renewal of "a meaningful peace process."
Otherwise, he said, "violence will breed violence, bullets will breed

The last suicide bombing in the capital ahead of Thursday's attack took
place on September 9, 2003, when seven people were killed and dozens wounded
in suicide bombing at the popular Cafe Hillel on Emek Refaim Street.

Emergency numbers
Hadassah University Hospital, Mt. Scopus - 12 55 121
Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem - 12 55 122
Bikur Holim - 12 55 123
Shaare Zedek Medical Center - 12 55 125

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