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Monday, April 12, 2004
Remarks by Presidents Bush & Mubarak of Egypt

Remarks by President Bush and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt in Press
Prairie Chapel Ranch
Crawford, Texas
11:52 A.M. CDT

[IMRA: President Bush says "There will never be a Palestinian state, in my
judgment, if terrorists are willing to kill. And so the first step we've got
to do is to work on the mutual security concerns of the region" - but it
should be noted that in contrast to these remarks, Mr. Bush's Road Map makes
possible the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state in the evacuated
areas after "declarations" and the "start" of PA security activities (=photo
ops) that are judged by a consensus of the Quartet - as compared to Israel's
activities - to justify the creation of that state WITHOUT requiring either
Israeli consent or even Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

President Mubarak, who presented the US with a laundry list of advanced
weapons that would enable him to carry out a rapid deployment - including
against Israel - announced that he would send "groups" to the Gaza Strip
after the Israeli retreat.]

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all for coming. I'm pleased to welcome my friend,
Hosni Mubarak, to my home. Welcome. I always look forward to visiting with
him, and I look forward to hearing his wise counsel. I appreciate his frank
views on the many challenges that face our two nations and that face the
greater Middle East.

Our nations have a relationship that is strong and warm. Our people share
the bonds of friendship, a commitment to prosperity
and peace and regional stability. Egypt is a strategic partner of the United
States and we value President Mubarak's years of effort on behalf of the
peace and stability of the Middle East.

The meetings we have just had focused on these goals and on ways to make the
Middle East safer and more secure. We recognize that the starting point for
a prosperous and peaceful Middle East must be the rejection of terror. Egypt
has taken a firm stand against terror by working to disrupt the activities
and capabilities of the region's terrorist organizations. These are the
policies of a nation and a statesman that understand the threat that
terrorism poses to all of us -- to my nation, to his, to all the Arab
states, to Israel and to the future of any Palestinian state.

Terrorism must be opposed and it must be defeated. And I'm grateful for
President Mubarak's support in the global war against terror.

Our objective in the Middle East must be true peace -- not just a pause
between wars -- which can only happen within a framework of democracy and
stability. I'm pleased that Egypt has engaged its neighbor, Israel, on
closer trade ties that will help the Egyptian people find jobs and improve
their lives. President Mubarak and I discussed the possible Israeli
withdrawal from Gaza, and our shared view that creation of a democratic,
peaceful Palestinian state is a necessary goal on the road to peace.

We also believe that the future of the Middle East and the future of Iraq
are closely linked. And I am grateful for President Mubarak's support for
Iraq as it transitions to democracy and stability. The people of the greater
Middle East have a right to be safe, secure, prosperous and free.

President Mubarak and I spoke about the future of the region and of Egypt.
Just as Egypt has shown the way toward peace in the Middle East, it will set
the standard in the region for democracy by strengthening democratic
institutions and political participation.

I'm encouraged by the ongoing debate on reform in Egypt, including the
excellent discussions involving civil society representatives from the Arab
world who met at the Alexandria Library in March. And President Mubarak can
be confident in my friendship and America's partnership as he moves forward
to realize the hopes of his people.

I welcome my good friend, Hosni, to my home. Our countries have three
decades of solid, beneficial relations behind us, and the United States will
continue to work with Egypt and the Arab world in a spirit of common purpose
and mutual respect.
Thank you for coming, sir.

PRESIDENT MUBARAK: I would like to thank President Bush for inviting me to
his ranch in Crawford, and for the friendly atmosphere and the gracious
hospitality that prevailed throughout our meeting today. I had constructive,
candid and friendly discussions with President Bush and with members of his
administration on a wide range of issues of mutual concern.

Our strategic relationship, which has matured over the past 30 years, has
constituted a force for stability, both regionally and globally. The
statement issued today, on the 30th anniversary of the reestablishment of
diplomatic relations between Egypt and the United States, gives a clear
reflection of our strong commitment to advance our special relationship and
deepen our cooperation.

Together we have faced the challenges of peace, fighting terror and
defeating aggression. In cooperation with the United States, many of Egypt's
reform and development objectives have been achieved over the years. Our
partnership is based on trust, mutual respect, and the increasing political
will on both sides to continue to assume the responsibilities of leadership.
These same principles will guide us into the future as we face a new set of
challenges on the world stage and as we enter a new phase of reform on our
domestic front.

Egypt has moved with vigor and determination over the past years to shoulder
its increasing responsibilities in the Middle East. At the same time, we've
confronted domestic challenges through ambition and irreversible program of
reform. Our reform efforts have and will continue to emanate from my
government's desire to further widen the scope of democracy, freedom and
political participation in a vibrant and dynamic civil society.

Egypt's political reform program constitutes a core component of our
comprehensive effort to improve the quality of life of our people. Our
efforts continue to focus on opening up new opportunities for our citizens
to improve their livelihood within a competitive global environment. In
this, we seek to build on our numerous achievements in the areas of good
governance, sustainable economic growth, education and health care within a
caring society in which social policies are central to our development
goals. We continue to move forward within the process of debate and
interaction between government, civil society and different political
parties in Egypt.

We have also expanded the debate to include participation from the Arab
world through a process of interaction among the civil society
representatives in the region, which was launched at the Library of
Alexandria last March. Your support, Mr. President, for our steps in that
endeavor is appreciated.

On regional issues we discussed our respective responsibilities regarding
the peace process in the Middle East. The United States has always assumed a
leading role in the search for peace in our region. I expressed my strong
desire to see that this leading role continue, with ever greater vigor and
determination to realize our vision of a two-state solution as early as
possible in the context of a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of
the Arab-Israeli conflict.

I expressed to the President the centrality of the conflict to the people of
the region, it is our conviction that reviving the hopes
of peace, through our determined efforts to put the peace process back on
track is central to enhancing the prospects of reform and the prosperity in
the region. Egypt has pioneered the path of peace in the region for over 25
years, and will continue to assume its responsibilities for peace today.

I reaffirmed to President Bush, Egypt's steadfast commitment to do whatever
it takes to revive the hopes for a comprehensive settlement and to bring the
parties back to the path of their -- negotiations.

On Iraq, I conveyed to the President our serious concerns about the current
state of affairs, particularly in the security and the humanitarian areas. I
further stressed the importance of restoring Iraq's sovereignty as soon as
possible within a context that preserves its territorial integrity and
unites all Iraqis toward a common future.

The recent efforts to increase the role of the U.N. in that process is an
important step that should be further encouraged. We discussed our joint
effort to fight terror. We agreed to intensify our extensive cooperation in
this regard, to include finding solutions to the political and economic
problems that represent the underlying causes of terrorism. We discussed
also various aspects of our bilateral visions, including the importance of
deepening our economic and cultural ties.

In the economic field, I briefed the President on our economic reform
program and said the importance of free trade with the United States in
attaining our economic objectives. I also stressed the importance of
promoting cultural exchange and furthering the links between civil society
in both our nations. This is certain to enhance mutual understanding between
our two
peoples, and between the United States and the Arab world at large.

I am confident, Mr. President, after our talks today, that through our
strategic partnership we will continue to confront the challenge before us
with greater determination and resolute leadership.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir. Good job.

Q Thank you, sir. If I could ask both of you -- are both of you prepared to
endorse the Israeli withdrawal plan?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Steve, I welcome -- first of all, let's not prejudge what
Prime Minister Sharon is going to tell me. So I don't want to put words in
his mouth until he actually comes to America on Wednesday. We discussed the
rumors of such a withdrawal. And we discussed it in the context of the
two-state solution and the roadmap.

In other words, we both are in agreement that if Israel makes the decision
to withdraw, it doesn't replace the road map, it is a part of the road map,
so that we can continue progress toward the two-state solution. And I really
welcomed my friend's advice. He is -- he knows the area well. And he's been
in touch with the parties and he has got good judgment on this matter. Let's
wait until the Prime Minister comes. But if he were to decide to withdraw
from the Gaza, it would be a positive development.

Q Thank you, Mr. President.

PRESIDENT BUSH: He wanted to know your -- just a second, excuse me. He
wanted to have your reaction to a possible withdrawal, if you'd like to
share that. You don't have to, if you don't want to. He's a kind fellow --

PRESIDENT MUBARAK: I have discussed this with the President, the withdrawal
from Gaza. I think any withdrawal from the occupied territory is very highly
appreciated. But I would like the withdrawal to coincide with the road map,
which is very important, because withdrawing from Gaza alone, without
connecting it with the road map, we never know it will be Gaza alone. It
will be very difficult. It will not be accepted by the public opinion in the
area. So the withdrawal from Gaza, if it is a part from the road map, I
think it will be very highly appreciated.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, the point is that the decision doesn't replace the path
toward the establishment of a Palestinian state that will provide hope for
the Palestinian people and provide continuity, and put the institutions in
place necessary for a state to evolve. I'm confident there will be ample
willingness of people in Europe or the United States government to enact
economic -- to take economic measures necessary to provide a hopeful future.
And we're in accord on this issue. And I look forward to meeting with the
Prime Minister and hear what he has to say.

Final question, if you'd like to call on somebody.

Q Thank you very much. My question is for you, Mr. Excellency Bush, and Mr.
Excellency Mubarak. But let me first tell you, happy Easter, before asking
about the peace process. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you. We had a great Easter. I'm sorry it's so chilly
here. It's usually warmer.

Q Thank you very much. So you announced your vision of a two-state solution
almost three years ago --


Q Do you think this vision can be realized in spite of the Israeli policy of
expanding settlements and establishment of the separate wall, which violates
the green line?

And for you, Mr. President Mubarak, how can Egypt help the Palestinians to
take their responsibilities after the Israeli withdrawal?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Great question. Yes, I think we can achieve a two-state
solution. You're right, I think I made the speech at the United Nations in
2001, if I'm not mistaken -- September of 2001 -- the first American
President to do so, to make that public declaration a policy. And the reason
I did is because I believe it's in the Palestinians' interest to have their
own state, and I believe it's in Israel's interest that the Palestinians
develop a peaceful state.

The reason why -- we've made some progress, by the way. There is what they
call the road map, a strategy to achieve that, which is good. The problem
is, is that there's terrorists who will kill people in order to stop the
process. And that's why it is essential that we work together to stop
terrorist killing. There will never be a Palestinian state, in my judgment,
if terrorists are willing to kill. And so the first step we've got to do is
to work on the mutual security concerns of the region. And we can't let
people blow up a process. But that's what happened, as you might recall. And
there's been suiciders and killers and -- you know -- and it's essential
that we work together to stop that kind of terror.

It will be much easier for the Palestinians to assume their
responsibilities -- and there are responsibilities for the Palestinians,
particularly when it comes to developing a state that is a peaceful state --
it will make it a lot easier if we can continue to keep the pressure on the
terrorists, make it a lot easier for them to assume their responsibilities.

PRESIDENT MUBARAK: The problem of the Middle East has --nearly about to be
50 years now. It's a very complicated problem, and if we keep it, more and
more, it will be much more complicated than ever before. It could have been
solved several years ago, but now it's very difficult. But in this context,
I really thank President Bush, the first President of the United States who
could say that, I'm ready to agree on establishing two states beside each
other, independent states -- Palestinian state and the Israeli state. This
is the first time we could hear it. We have to build on it.

Concerning Gaza, I think we could help a lot in Gaza by training the police,
by giving them advice, by sending them some groups to make plans for them
how to work. And in that regard, we are ready to do. We have contacts with
them, we have contact with the different factions which could create
problems now and then. And you remember they convened in Cairo several
times. We are ready to invite them again to us to help stability in Gaza for
a continuation for more withdrawal.
Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir.

By the way, tomorrow night I'm interested in answering more questions for
you all. So if you pick out a red or blue tie --

Q A news conference?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Why not. See you at the East Room.
END 12:15 P.M. CDT

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