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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
No Egyptian Cooperation in Uncovering Weapons Smuggling Network

No Egyptian Cooperation in Uncovering Weapons Smuggling Network

Aaron Lerner Date: 13 April 2004

Yosse Kopel, Israel Police Spokesperson for the Southern District, told IMRA
today that the Egyptian Police had no role in either the discovery or arrest
of the members of a large arms-smuggling network from Egypt to Gaza. Among
those arrested over the past two months of intense police work were five
Egyptians, four Israeli Bedouin, and a resident of PA-controlled Nablus.
The criminals in custody smuggled drugs, prostitutes and foreign workers as
well as arms. Over the past two months, police confiscated 140 rifles, two
RPG rocket launchers and much ammunition from the cell members.

Yesterday U.S. President George Bush praised Egypt for its role in fighting
terror. Egyptian President Mubarak told the press as he met with Bush that
Egypt would send some forces into the Gaza Strip if Israel withdraws to aid
Palestinian security forces.

To date Egypt's primary role in "fighting" terror has been trying to arrange
for cease-fires under which the terrorist organizations can continue
amassing weapons in preparation for post cease-fire attacks. Egypt has not
had any significant impact on stopping the smuggling of weapons through
tunnels from Egypt to Rafah.

President Mubarak has taken the position that Israel must also withdraw from
the Philadelphi corridor where Israel now acts against Egypt-PA smuggling.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
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