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Friday, April 30, 2004
Palestinian olive oil farmers find new market through

Palestinian olive oil farmers find new market through USAID-sponsored
The Jerusalem Times (independent Palestinian weekly) 30 April 2004

More than 1,800 West Bank farmers who were unable to sell their olive oil
due to movement restrictions and closures have found a new buyer in the
United Nations World Food Program (WFP).

In April, the group used $1 million donated by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) to purchase 302 metric tons of the oil. In
turn, WFP donated the product to needy families in Gaza and the southern
West Bank.

Working with the Ministry of Agriculture, WFP selected farmers from Nablus,
Jenin, Tulkarm, Salfeet and Qalqilya who had large families and lived under
the poverty line of 25 Israeli shekels a day (about $5.50). Farmers were
required to submit their olive oil for quality tests before WFP purchased
it. Each farmer received 2,080 shekels ($458) for 160 kilograms of oil, or
about 40 gallons.

During a recent site visit, USAID representatives met several Nablus farmers
who had sold their olive oil to WFP. Thanking USAID for its support, the
farmers related that the tight closures and curfews in and around Nablus and
the poor economic situation had wiped out their regular markets for oil.

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