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Saturday, May 1, 2004
Syrian President Assad: Resistance Against America in Iraq and Israel in Palestine is Legitimate

Syrian President Assad: Resistance Against America in Iraq and Israel in
Palestine is Legitimate
Damascus, May 1,(SANA-Official Syrian News Agency)-

President Bashar al-Assad gave an extensive interview broadcast tonight by
the Qatari TV. space Channel ,AlJazeera .
On the president's look to the Arab general situation , the president
indicated that there is a state of frustration and despair prevailing
most of the Arabs due to the current situation.

He added that the Arab leaders bear the most part of responsibility which is
a natural thing.

He pointed out that there are two current in the Arab world and both are
present in the governments and among the people.
The first current calls for surrender , despair , and to accept the state
accompli and is based on its too late, while the second sees that things are
relative stressing that he is with that current although there are
ramifications accumulated through decades that have contributed to the
current situation to which we add through our daily practices.

The present expressed confidence that it is never too late and what is
needed is some determination ,patience and seriousness to start off.

On the very hot situation in Palestine where the Israeli prime minister has
got promises from Washington and a current threat to harm Chairman Arafat
and the assassination of Hamas leaders,

The president indicated that there is an on going campaign of assassination
where there is no difference except in time between the assassination of
Sheikh Ahmad Yassin , Dr. Rantisi and the massacres of Sabra and Shatila and
other massacres committed in 1948 and prior to that date.

He added that it is an on going situation and nothing new. It is Israel
expressing itself not by words but by the freedom of killing and this is the
Israeli democracy.

On the question of whose responsibility, President Bashar al-Assad stressed
that it is the silence, idleness and not dealing with the ramification and
deviation by marginal issues on the account of fundamental issues, the non
existence of a policy and cooperation .

Regarding US. President George Bush's latest promise to Sharon in Washington
, the president indicated that some have called this promise Belford
Declaration /2/ or /3/ it doesn't matter the difference is the declaration
.We call all the US. Practices since the foundation of Israel as Belford
Declarations in practice.

The president wondered why should ask some other countries to take moral
stances while they have interests !!!.

On the very dangerous Palestinian situation that the Palestinian cause has
ever faced and the privilege granted by the United States to Israel which
is the separation wall , the president said : It is true , for that reason
I do not differ with these presentations and every one sees that they carry
an extent of danger and what is required now is finding solutions that is
what is required.

Regarding Syria's initiative for the resumption of talks with the Israeli
government, the president commented by saying it was not An initiative but a
repeated Syrian stance on every occasion, speech or interview or meeting
with foreigners.

The president stressed that Syria has always expressed readiness for peace
in line with the resolutions of UN. Security Council.

On the warnings from Israel which sees Syria not cooperating enough as
Sharon says, that they want as to cooperate with them to liquidate the
Palestinian cause entirely and may be the Syrian Golan issue .

Regarding the resistance option, the president said that as long as the
resistance is a popular situation then it is legitimate and is not linked to
persons and in that light the Lebanese resistance emerged victorious.

Regarding the Syrian role in the Palestinian developments, the president
indicated that there is a correlation of destiny between the Palestinian and
the Syrian issues and both are affected by the development of each track.
What about the fate of half a million Palestinians living in Syria and what
about the fate of a similar number of Palestinian living in Lebanon
particularly that both the Syrian and Lebanese tracks are inseparable.

Regarding the situation in Iraq, the president indicated that Syria has
always stressed that the Americans will sink in the quagmire as the forces
of occupation always do. As for the Iraqi they are to pay dear price and
more than what the have paid in the past decades. and the Arab situation
will be worse.

On the American function in Iraq, the president stressed that everything
happens in Iraq except what is being propagated by the American such as the
better standard of living , democracy or prosperity!!!.

Regarding the resistance against occupation in Iraq, the president stressed
that since the resistance is popular in Iraq , then it is legitimate.

On the Iraqi ruling interim council , the president stressed that Syria deal
with it a state of fait accompli. Syria can legitimize the council because
it is an internal Iraqi issue and legitimacy comes from the Iraqi people. As
for the provisional constitution , Syria can not evaluate it unless it is

Regarding the possible establishment of a federal regime in Iraq, the
president stressed that any federalism that is built on ethnic background or
denominations will be very dangers and the Iraqi people reject such a

Regarding relations with Washington , the president stressed that the base
of the relations with Washington is dialogue until now but this doesn't mean
that the relation is good and is keeps changing on daily on daily basis and
varies between a current and another within the American administration.
Some of these currents supports dialogue with Syria while others oppose that
.. one cannot determine exactly particularly that the United States has
entered the election race.

On the American role the president stressed that the European role has
confined itself to the marketing the American initiative particularly the
regarding the peace process. There is a US hegemony on the decision .

Regarding the next Arab summit the president stressed that Syria looks at it
as a base for the Arab joint action and not only as an event. And the next
summit is scheduled to discuss a reform project regarding the Arab league
and the Arab situation in general .

Regarding the Syria-Saudi-Egyptian coordination, President al-Assad stressed
that Syria looks at it not like an axis but as a nucleus for Arab joint
action and such coordination is meant to keep the minimum level of Arab

On the Syrian -Turkish relations, the president stressed that such relations
are characterized by specialty of the existence of a lot in common with the
Turkish people and most of all the mutual desire and honesty in dealing and
this has boosted the relation to a great extent. And the Iraqi issue has
come as a direct threat to Syria , Turkey and Iran alike.

Regarding the development process in Syria, the president stressed that
priority has been given to economic reform because the living standard is
what concern Syria particularly those of the government employees who are in
need improve their living standard.

On the recent events in the southern Syrian city of Qamishly, the president
indicated that events are not oriented form abroad but the clashes took
place following a football match and Syria dealt with the situation swiftly.
The question of nationality is 42 years old because some in1962 acquired the
Syrian nationality and some did not and this problem will be solved and the
Kurdish people are par and parcel of the Syrian society and history.

Regarding the Lebanese presidential elections, the president stressed that
Syria supports all the Lebanese establishments and all the people that
represent them because it is the only guarantee for Lebanon not to go back
to the civil strife.

He pointed out that Syria will support a non sectarian president in Lebanon,
a president for all the Lebanese people.

The president concluded by calling for optimism because through it one can
discern the future.


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