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Saturday, June 26, 2004
US-EU Declaration: unilateral initiative should be...consistent with Roadmap & two-state vision

US-EU Declaration: unilateral initiative should be...consistent with Roadmap
& two-state vision

Text of U.S.-EU Declaration Supporting Peace, Progress, and Reform in the
Broader Middle East and in the Mediterranean

June 26, 2004
Dromoland Castle
Shannon, Ireland
26 June 2004

1. The United States and the European Union pledge our support to the
governments and peoples of the countries concerned who have, in recent
declarations and statements, expressed their determination to meet the
challenges of modernisation; to advance political, social, and economic
reforms; to build democracy; and to promote human rights. We believe that
increased economic and political freedom can advance and change lives in the
countries concerned. This task will require the sustained and increased
support of the European Union and the United States. We offer this support
in friendship, respect, and the spirit of partnership, recognizing that we
share the objective of a prosperous, secure, and vibrant area. We welcome
and support the initiative launched earlier this month at the G8 Summit in
Sea Island, Georgia and the EU Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean
and the Middle East endorsed by the European Council on 18 June.
5. We reaffirm our commitment to a just, comprehensive, and lasting
settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Progress towards a
negotiated peace settlement in the Middle East and towards reform will be
mutually reinforcing. Neither should be a precondition nor a substitute for
the other. We support the work of the Quartet on the Roadmap and endorse its
declaration of 4 May 2004. We also welcome the League of Arab States'
continued support for the Roadmap as expressed at the Summit meeting held in
Tunis on 22/23 May and the League's rejection of acts of violence against
civilians without distinction. We reiterate our common vision of two states,
Israel and a viable, democratic, sovereign, and contiguous Palestine, living
side by side in peace and security. We welcome and support the efforts of
governments in the countries concerned to contribute to a settlement of this
conflict, including the announced intention of Israeli withdrawal from all
Gaza settlements and from parts of the West Bank which can be a step towards
achieving the two-state solution and has the possibility of restarting
progress on the Roadmap. We call for an end of all acts of violence and
terrorism. We support all efforts, including those by Egypt, to resolve
critical security issues relating to Gaza. In this context, any unilateral
initiative should be undertaken in a manner consistent with the Roadmap and
the two-state vision. At the same time, we welcome the establishment of the
World Bank Trust Fund and urge international support for this important
initiative for Palestinian economic and social reconstruction.

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