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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
ACLU rebukes Ford Foundation on anti-terrorism

ACLU rebukes Ford Foundation on anti-terrorism

The American Civil Liberties Union protested the Ford Foundation's new
anti-terrorism rules.

JA Breaking News

The rules, designed to prevent grants from being used to assist terrorist
groups, were put into place after a JTA investigative series last fall found
that the Ford Foundation had funded virulently anti-Israel groups with links
to terrorist organizations.
Earlier this month, the ACLU sent the Ford Foundation a letter saying the
foundation's new grant provisions - which require recipients not to promote
bigotry, terrorism, violence or any nation's destruction stifle debate and
threaten academic freedom, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported. In May,
nine universities protested the new provisions, which also have been adopted
by a number of other foundations.

Despite its protests, the ACLU said it would continue to accept money from
the Ford Foundation and abide by its anti-terrorism rules. For its part, the
foundation said the provision's language "should not restrict ACLU's
activities as we understand them."

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