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Sunday, October 3, 2004
King of Jordan: Continuation of the Israeli Arrogance Does Not Serve Peace

King of Jordan: Continuation of the Israeli Arrogance Does Not Serve Peace
Pet1339 4 0413

Amman, Oct. 3 (Petra-Jordan News Agency)--His Majesty King Abdullah II
affirmed that Israel's continuation of its arrogance, its assassination and
mass killing of Palestinians, as well as the destruction of properties and
infrastructure in the Palestinian lands, do not serve peace.

During a meeting at the Hashemite Royal Court with a delegation from the
British Royal Defence Studies Academy, the King said that such acts will
increase the cycle of violence, instability as well as the phenomenon of
extremism in the region.

"The Palestinian cause is the first central issue in the Middle East region
and solving it in a just and comprehensive way forms a priority for us in
Jordan, His Majesty said during the meeting, which was also attended by the
King's Special Advisor, Yousef
Dalabeeh, Royal Court Minister Sameer Rifai and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, General Khaled Jamil Sarayreh.

King Abdullah called on the Palestinian authority to solve its internal
disputes and unify its efforts to achieve aspirations of
the Palestinian people, and be an active partner in the peace process.

His Majesty also called on the international community to provide every
possible support to urge the Palestinians and
Israelis to return to the negotiating table and pledge to implement the
roadmap. "Jordan supports efforts being exerted by the current Iraqi
government to end violence and chaos in all Iraqi cities," he said,
stressing the importance of standing by the Iraqi people and enabling it to
reconstruct a unified Iraq that enjoys security, stability and democracy.


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