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Friday, December 24, 2004
Court Rejects Arab Students Petition Against Christmas Tree At Haifa U.

University of Haifa - Division of Public Affairs & Information

[Translated by IMRA]

District Court: Rejects Petition - Christmas Tree

The University of Haifa welcomes the decision of the District Court to
reject the petition of a group of students who wanted to dictate how
holidays were marked on the campus. The court accepted the position of the
University that the decision to place a Christmas tree in the area of the
Dean of Students was proper and passed all tests of the protection of free
expression. In addition, the court did not recognize the committee of Arab
students as the representative of all the Arab students on campus. The
court ruled that the petitioners are obligated to try and advance their
interests via the Student Association that is the only body representing the
general student population before the authorities.

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