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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Excerpts: Sweetheart interview of Hamas 14 April 2005

Excerpts: Sweetheart interview of Hamas. 14 April 2005


"Hamas leader: You can't get rid of us"
By Danny Rubinstein, Haaretz Correspodent
"suddenly there is a fairly realistic possibility that Hamas will
be very successful in the elections and become the largest political

"Hamas continues to advocate establishing a Palestinian state in
the entire territory of pre-1948 Palestine"
In a public opinion survey ... two weeks ago, 52 percent ... said
they would vote for Hamas in the upcoming elections for the Palestinian
Legislative Council. Only 13 percent ... said they would vote for Fatah.

All public opinion surveys that have been conducted recently in the
West Bank and Gaza indicate this trend. Within two or three days, the
Palestinian Legislative Council is expected to complete the new election law
... (something that is not entirely certain), the elections for the
Palestinian parliament will take place... July 17.

Sheikh Hassan Yousef of Ramallah, ... the most prominent Hamas figure
in the West Bank, is aware of the fact that suddenly there is a fairly
realistic possibility that Hamas will be very successful in the elections
and become the largest political movement among the Palestinians.

[IMRA: Probably linked to its acceptance as a legitimate party. The
US and Israel appear not to object.]

... Will it form a government? Will it seek to conduct negotiations
with Israel?

In an interview with Haaretz, Yousef said that "it's still too early
to answer these questions. ... Hamas leadership have made a decision in
principle to participate in the elections, and now we are in the midst of
consultations and discussions over everything related to that matter. ...

. . .

"... . It's important to us, ... that the people of the Palestinian
nation are not hurt by the fact that we win ... everyone knows what Israel's
position on Hamas is and what others' position on us is. Therefore, there
certainly exists among us concern that Israel, and perhaps also others, will
impose punishments on the Palestinians because they voted for Hamas. They
will say `you decided to choose Hamas and therefore we will intensify the
siege over you and make your lives difficult.' ... ."

[IMRA:If they were alert they would not allow Hamas to run. No
Western nation would permit such a party to run.]

Hassan Yousef is considered the spokesman of the moderate wing of
Hamas. He is 50 ... .

[IMRA: A cosmetic miracle 'moderate']

Last Saturday, Sheikh Yousef managed to sneak into the Old City ...
and, along with hundreds of other movement supporters, entered Al-Aqsa
Mosque. He slept there ... and on Sunday led the large demonstration in the
plaza outside the mosques against what he called "the attempts by Jewish
extremists to desecrate Islamic holy sites."
[IMRA:Typical incitement.]

Yousef's remarks at the Al-Aqsa event and pictures taken there were
widely circulated, primarily because of the Israeli alert prior to expected
attempts by the right-wing movement Revava to bring thousands of Jews up to
the Temple Mount that same day. One Fatah leader ... sought to call
attention to the fact that on Sunday only green Hamas flags were hoisted
atop Al-Aqsa Mosque. . ...

Among the Palestinians there has been much talk of late about the fact
that Hamas is the only movement that is seen on the streets. ... .

A democratic framework [IMRA: writer's fiction.]

He speaks Arabic interspersed with Hebrew words he learned in prisons.
A meeting with an Israeli journalist is - as far as he is concerned - a
meeting with a rival, even an enemy. But, he says, "I always treat a person
I meet first of all as a human being."

There is talk of Hamas entering the PLO fold, how are the talks

"We're looking into the matter. When you want to buy a house and move
into it, you first of all inspect it. Perhaps something needs to be changed,
repairs are needed, refurbishment. The ... platform of the PLO and Hamas
platform differ, and this is known."

Yousef is referring to the fact that the PLO recognized Israel and the
principle of two states and changed the Palestinian National Covenant,
whereas Hamas continues to advocate establishing a Palestinian state in the
entire territory of pre-1948 Palestine, because the entire country is Muslim
Waqf (Muslim religious trust) of which not even one inch can be given up. In
other words, the State of Israel has no right to exist.

He speaks diplomatically and cautiously.

As for the latest security-related incidents, he blames Israel for
turning its back to the "calming" efforts agreed to in Cairo by the
Palestinian factions.

It is commonly thought that the Palestinian population in the West
Bank and Gaza supports Hamas not necessarily because of its political views,
but because the Palestinians are fed up with the government corruption in
the Fatah movement. Do you agree?

"The claims against the government and Fatah are not only about
corruption. When there is talk about the Hamas movement, people have faith
in us. They see in our institutions places that operate on the basis of
fairness and honesty, institutions that provide real help to residents.
These institutions are known. These are social, welfare and educational
institutions with dedicated workers who serve the public."

As far as his organization's political positions, Sheikh Yousef
chooses his words carefully: "It should be said that we don't live in the
clouds. We're not disconnected from the ground, but live among the people
and are well aware of the reality. .... On the basis of this reality check
... we are able to show flexibility. ...

[IMRA:How? Not a word about "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
as a key part of the Hamas Charter.]

Hamas is not an organization of political bureaucracy seeking to gain
power. Our goal is serving the people ... . A government can be removed by
force, just as Saddam Hussein's government was removed in Iraq. You can't
get rid of us."

Dr. Joseph Lerner, Co-Director IMRA

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