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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Jordan refuses to accept "any refugee under any condition or for any reason"

Interior Minister Renews Jordan's Stand From Refugees

[IMRA: Refugees [almost all Palestinians] from Iraq moved to the Rweished
camp at the start of American operations]

Amman, April 20(Petra-ordan News Agency)-- Interior Minister Awni Yervas
renewed Jordan's stable stand that refuses the acceptance of any refugee
under any condition or for any reason

The statements came during a meeting which Yervas held with the
Representative of the higher Commission for Refugees in Jordan Steen Bruni.
Yervas stressed the importance of achieving a radical solution for the
Refugees of Rweished camp by the Higher Commission for Refugees.

Yervas said:" the suffering of these refugees has taken too long and the
time has come to put an end to it" expressing Jordan's readiness to find
solutions for this humanitarian problem in cooperation with the commission .

201249 Local APR 2005

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