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Saturday, July 16, 2005
19 July -NYC and Worldwide Rallies Against Israel 's Forced Removal of 10,000 Jews from Gaza and Samaria


Unity Coalition for Israel - July 15, 2005

NYC and Worldwide Rallies Against Israel 's Forced Removal of 10,000 Jews
from Gaza and Samaria

On July 19, Rallies at Times Square, NYC and Around the World Will Condemn
Withdrawal Plan

July 14, 2005 - There will be a rally in New York City taking place in Times
Square on July 19 from 12:00 noon until 2:00 PM. This gathering of thousands
of supporters is part of a worldwide effort to stop Israel 's withdrawal
plan which will force 10,000 Israeli Jewish men, women, and children from
their homes, businesses, schools, synagogues and farms.

Simultaneously, massive mobilization rallies will take place in cities
throughout the world to show support and solidarity with the embattled
residents of the Jewish communities of Gaza and Northern Samaria (Gush Katif
and Northern Shomron), and to express opposition and outrage at the plan and
the tactics being employed to demonize the good residents of the area by the
media and by certain elements in the government.

The controversial "Disengagement Plan" designed by Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon in Israel is increasingly being rejected by millions of people
throughout the world who desire lasting and enduring peace in the Middle

In New York City , the Times Square rally will feature prominent speakers
including State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, ZOA President Morton A. Klein, Chief
Rabbi of Efrat Shlomo Riskin, Jewish Gaza leader Rachel Saperstein, Israeli
Minister Benny Elon, Knesset member Aryeh Eldad along with numerous Rabbis
and Jewish leaders. The lunchtime gathering will also be strengthened and
inspired by popular Jewish entertainers including Mordechai Ben-David and
Avraham Fried.

Other locations that will be holding simultaneous rallies include:

Israel : Netivot

United States: Boston, Casa Grande (AZ), Chicago, Denver, Grants Pass (OR)
Greeley (CO), Houston , Merritt Island (FL), Miami, New York, Los Angeles,
Philadelphia, Toronto, San Diego, San Francisco, Springdale(AR)& Washington

United Kingdom: London

Canada: Montreal, Toronto

France: Paris

Australia : Melbourne

Holland : Amsterdam

Belgium : Antwerp

The so called "disengagement" plan is moving forward despite the fact that
major Israeli military and political leaders have said that it will lead to
disaster. They include former Minister Natan Sharansky, outgoing chief of
the IDF General Moshe Ya'alon, former Defense Minister Moshe Arens, Minister
Uzi Landau, and former military intelligence chiefs Shlomo Gazit and Yaacov

Today, less than half of Israeli Jews and only 16 percent of all Americans
support this plan. Americans understand (by 2 to 1) that it rewards
terrorism and sends a message to groups like Al-Qaida and Hamas that
terrorism pays and pays well. Indeed, Arab Palestinians have boldly
announced that "disengagement" will not bring peace any closer to Israel ,
but instead will bring more death and more demands. They are already viewing
this retreat as a victory. Even as Israel is in the midst of planning
further concessions, Arab Palestinian terrorist groups in the area continue
their relentless campaign of suicide bombing, bombing of Israeli communities
and public busses designed to kill innocent civilians with impunity.

According to David Romanoff, organizer of the Worldwide Solidarity Rally
gatherings, "the purpose of this event will be to educate people about the
true details of the so-called "disengagement plan," why it is dangerous and
why the United States and others should not support an effort that deprives
people of their G-d endowed rights of 'life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness'." We will also demonstrate why this is not only bad for Israel --
America 's most loyal ally -- but also dangerous to the United States and
other freedom loving countries."

We hope to encourage Americans to contact the media, their lawmakers and
President Bush himself and get them all to stop supporting the
"disengagement plan" and ask that Israel delay or shelve the plan entirely.
There is no excuse for America to support this plan.

The Alliance for Eretz Yisrael is a worldwide coalition of concerned
organizations and people who oppose the dismemberment of the land of Israel
and the surrender of Israel's government to Islamic terrorism.

For more information, please contact: davidromanoff@gmail.com

Thanks to the thousands of people who are helping make this day a historic

Who We Are: Unity Coalition for Israel
Founded in 1991, we are the largest worldwide coalition of Jewish and
Christian organizations, with more than 200 groups representing millions of
people dedicated to Israel. Though we have many different backgrounds, we
have one common goal: A Safe and Secure Israel.

Israel is not just a Jewish issue. Millions of Christians resolutely endorse
the principle of peace with security for the state of Israel. Because we
work closely together and speak with a united voice, our message is being

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