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Thursday, July 6, 2006
Thwarting of suicide bombing attempt in Israel's home front

July 6th 2006
Thwarting of suicide bombing attempt in Israel's home front

IDF, ISA and Police forces thwarted yesterday afternoon, July 5 2006, an
attempt to carry out a suicide bombing in Israel's home front.

Following specific intelligence information received in the early morning
hours from the ISA, concerning a terror cell en route to carry out a suicide
bombing, temporary roadblocks were set up along the Trans-Samaria road.
Three suspicious Palestinian taxis were stopped in the Barkan industrial
area in the West Bank, and a number of passengers were detained, among them
the suicide bomber.

The man, Ahmed Mahmoud Salim Zayoub, 20, resident of Silat A-Haritiya, was
found to be carrying an explosives-filled bag.
Zayoub's initial questioning indicated that he intended to carry out a
suicide bombing in the Israeli home front, and that he was sent by the
Tanzim terror infrastructure in Jenin, headed by Zecharia Zubeidi.

The IDF will continue to act against all terror organizations who attempt to
carry out terror attacks against the citizens of Israel.

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