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Sunday, July 30, 2006
[Call for opponents of terror to protest Rice] Complete text:Secretary Ricemakes no mention of Hezbullah's using human shields in remarks after Qana bombing

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Now is the time for all friends of freedom and
opponents of terror to make their voice heard in Washington in strong
protest of the position voiced by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
that encourages terrorists around the world to use human shields.

The closest she comes to a reference is: "We also have to realize that we
cannot have a circumstance in which there is a return to the status quo
ante, in which there is a zone in Southern Lebanon in which a terrorist can
violate the Blue Line, and create the kind of devastating circumstances that
we see today." - Hardly a sound bite condemning Hizbullah!

This is no time for political/party considerations.

It is extremely important that all friends of freedom and opponents of
terror let President Bush and their representatives in Congress know that
they expect the United States of America to take a clear and vocal stand
against those who exploit human shields to protect their forces as they
launch attacks against civilian targets.

Secretary Rice's reward to Hizbullah cannot and must not be accepted.

It is critical that a clear voice be heard from Washington correcting this
incredible error in judgment.

Today human shields protect Hizbullah rocket launching teams.

Tomorrow America and the rest of the free world will find itself facing the
same terror method of operation.

In the midst of what is already a worldwide battle against terror, Secretary
Rice's words must not be America's final word on the matter.]

Briefing on Efforts To Stop Violence in Lebanon
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
July 30, 2006

SECRETARY RICE: Good afternoon. I am deeply saddened by the terrible loss of
innocent life in the bombing in Lebanon this morning. The people of Lebanon
have the deepest sympathies of President Bush, the people of the United
States and my own heartfelt condolences. Our prayers go out to all the
victims and their families.

I first learned of this tragic loss of life as I was meeting with the
Israeli Defense Minister this morning and once again I was reiterating our
strong concern about the impact of Israeli military operations on innocent
civilians during crisis.

We are working very hard to try to stop the violence. Too many innocent
people - Lebanese and Israeli - have suffered. Too many people have lost
their lives; too many families are homeless and too many children have been
killed, injured, are living in fear for their lives.

The circumstances are very difficult and emotions are understandably running
high on all sides. I just spoke by telephone with Prime Minister Siniora and
conveyed my condolences personally to him, to the people of Lebanon.

In the wake of the tragedy that the people and the government of Lebanon are
dealing with today, I decided to postpone my discussions in Beirut. In any
case, my work today is here. I will continue to meet with Israeli officials
as we work to put in place the elements necessary to bring an end to this

We are making real progress on a political framework and believe the parties
are coming together on this aspect. We are also pushing for an urgent end to
the current hostilities. But the views of the parties on how to achieve this
are different. The work we do here will make it possible for the United
Nations Security Council to take decisive action for a cease-fire as soon as

Now I am happy to take questions. Andrea.

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, how upset are you that Israel proceeded with
this action today while you were here on your way to Beirut? Have they not
scuttled the diplomacy and debate beyond the loss of life? Isn't this an
unacceptable action in the midst of the most sensitive time in the

SECRETARY RICE: Andrea, I fully understand and fully understood when I came
here that I am working on this issue in the midst of ongoing military
operations. I am quite aware that there are many dangers associated with
military operations. I might note that there are, of course, rocket attacks
continuing against Israel, as well. So, I recognize that this was not a
situation in which there was already a cease-fire. I fully understand that.
My job is to come here and to do what I have been doing: to work very
urgently to help on the humanitarian side, to represent our views to the
Israelis on what needs to be done on the humanitarian side - we had long
discussions about that this morning - to talk about the impact that this is
having on civilians. Most importantly, to try to work toward political
arrangements that the Security Council can act on the basis of - to have a
cease-fire that is going to be enduring.

I was really struck and in fact saddened by the references to the fact that
it is very near this area that this happened in 1996. It just reminds us how
fragile cease-fires are in this part of the world and it reminds us that we
have to try and do our work well so that there will not be more and more and
more incidents over many and many and many more years. That's why we are
working so hard on the political framework. But I knew precisely what the
circumstances were when I came.

QUESTION: The Prime Minister of Lebanon has said that he does not want to
hold talks with you until there is a cease-fire. Does that change your
thinking and planning? And secondly, you have told us repeatedly that you
have mentioned your concern about this striking on civilian targets in
Lebanon. Are you disappointed that the Israelis have not listened?

SECRETARY RICE: I am certainly going to continue to press the case that
there be extraordinary care taken during military operations to avoid
civilian casualties. I think we all recognize that this kind of warfare is
extremely difficult, because in fact it is warfare within - situations
within territory in which civilians are residing. It is extremely difficult.
And it unfortunately has awful consequences sometimes, and these are awful

I spoke with Prime Minster Siniora, and what he said to me was that he was
feeling extremely depressed and -depressed is not quite the right word - he
was feeling very emotional about what had happened to his people. I fully
understand that-fully understand that. But I want you to understand
something too: I called him and told him that I was not coming today,
because I felt very strongly that my work toward a cease-fire is really
here, today.

QUESTION: What does that mean?

SECRETARY RICE: It means I have work to do here, on the political
arrangements, and on how we get a security environment in Southern Lebanon
that will permit a sustainable cease-fire. And I have work to do here on
that issue.

QUESTION: Who is arguing against an immediate cease-fire? (Inaudible.)

SECRETARY RICE: I think it's time to get to a cease-fire. We actually have
to try and put one in place. I've made the point and I made the point in
Rome that we want a cease-fire as soon as possible. I would have wanted to
have a cease-fire yesterday, if possible. But the parties have to agree to a
cease-fire, and there have to be certain conditions in place. Any cease-fire
has to have circumstances that are going to be acceptable to the parties.

We also have to realize that we cannot have a circumstance in which there is
a return to the status quo ante, in which there is a zone in Southern
Lebanon in which a terrorist can violate the Blue Line, and create the kind
of devastating circumstances that we see today. And we would be not very
responsible if we were not attending to those circumstances as well as
working as urgently and as quickly as we can to get the fighting stopped.

QUESTION: Some of your critics say that you are not putting enough pressure
on Israel and you bear some of the responsibility for what is happening.
What is your response to that? And also have you spoken to Prime Minister
Olmert and what was your message?

SECRETARY RICE: First of all, the United States has been working harder, and
harder and harder. I would put our efforts beside anyone's efforts to deal
with the current situation, to have a way to address the humanitarian
concerns, to have a way to address the inevitable problems of warfare in
which civilians get caught up. I would remind that it is because the United
States pressed and worked with Israel to get the airport open so that
humanitarian flights could get in that that got done. It is because the
United States pressed for humanitarian corridors, that that got done. The
Israelis don't want to see a humanitarian crisis, so we have been really
pressing that case. It is also the case that I am here, as Andrea noted, in
pretty difficult and dicey circumstances, because I do believe that it is
best to try to address these issues face-to-face with the parties, and to
see what we can achieve.

Now, I think the Security Council will take this up. We want the Security
Council to take it up soon, and we want the Security Council to take it up
with as much concrete progress toward a real cease-fire, as is humanly
possible by the time that that meeting takes place. So, I will continue to
work, and work and work, that is what we can do. If there is any way
humanly, to accelerate our efforts, I would do it. But we are already doing
really what is of the human limitation to try to get to an end of this

Thank you.

QUESTION: Prime Minister Olmert?

SECRRETARY RICE: I have not spoken with the Prime Minister, I was speaking
with the Defense Minister when this happened. I understand that there is an
Israeli Cabinet meeting, and I will be speaking with the Prime Minister
immediately after that Cabinet meeting.

Thank you.


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