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Monday, August 28, 2006
Summary of Jewish Agency for Israel Relief Efforts during the War

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Summary of Jewish Agency for Israel Relief Efforts during the War


Thousands of Children Were Absorbed in Summer Camps in Central Israel and
Thousands of Shelters Were Repaired

Special Assistance was Provided to non-Jewish Communities in the North

Since the outbreak of the war, the Jewish Agency initiated large scale
activity on behalf of northern residents, to the tune of about 200 million
Israeli Shekels. Within the framework of this assistance, about 40,000
children from the Northern Communities were absorbed in special summer camps
in Central Israel; thousands of shelters were repaired and equipped with air
conditioners, television sets and emergency lighting in order to afford
comfortable conditions to those compelled to remain in the shelters;
hundreds of immigrant children were absorbed in Jewish Agency Youth Villages
in Central and Southern Israel; and special assistance was allocated to
minority non-Jewish Communities

The activities were financed primarily from contributions that were raised
from Jewish Communities worldwide via the United Jewish Communities, the
Federations of North America as well as Keren Hayesod- United Israel Appeal.
Additionally, the Jewish Agency raised substantial contributions from
Israeli Companies as well as private Israeli donors, who gave generously.
Many citizens turned to the special call in center, which the Jewish Agency
opened seeking to donate money or to send checks by mail on behalf of
children from the North.

Within the framework of the project "Placing the Children in the Center",
the Jewish Agency hosted about 40,000 children and youths from the Northern
Communities in special summer camps in Central Israel. Their removal from
Katyusha range, was rendered possible via collaboration which the Jewish
Agency launched and financed in cooperation with such absorbing bodies and
institutions as the youth movements, including HaNoar HaOved ve HaLomed, the
Wingate Institute, the Migdal Or Institutions, the Society for the
Preservation of Nature, youth villages of the Settlement Education
Administration, Egged Tours, the "Olam Aher" Company etc. The children
enjoyed full board while conducting educational and recreational activities.

About 500 immigrant children, residing in absorption centers in Northern
Israel, were absorbed in Jewish Agency youth villages in Central and
Southern Israel (Kiryat Yearim, Hadassah Neurim, Ben Yakir and Nitzana). The
children enjoyed full board in dormitory accommodations, fun days,
counseling, Hebrew Studies, educational activities, etc. In the next few
days the children from the North including children of immigrant families
who were housed at camps in Central Israel will return to their homes and
absorption centers in the northern communities.

Special assistance was allocated toward improving the living conditions of
people compelled to remain in shelters: about 2000 air conditioners,
thousands of television sets, and thousands of emergency lighting and
emergency kits were purchased and installed in about 2000 shelters in the
North. The work was carried out in the major cities and communities which
suffered from bombardment, including the Arab and Druze Communities. The
project, in cooperation with the Amigur Company of the Jewish Agency
benefitted most of the public shelters, as well and some private ones.
Likewise, community centers in the Druze and Arab villages in the North were
equipped in order to facilitate activities for hundreds of children outside
the shelters.

Additionally, the Jewish Agency was a partner to "take a breather" weeks for
the northern residents-a special project for hosting about 10,000 residents
of the North, who had stayed for a month in the shelters and extending them
a week's vacation in Central Israel. The residents enjoyed rest and
recreation activities.

Presently the Jewish Agency is leading a special effort to rehabilitate the
northern communities and restore the residents to normalcy -via special
assistance in the sum of hundreds of millions of Shekels. The funds are
earmarked for assisting businesses, rehabilitating buildings, aid to local
municipalities, returning children to normalcy and preparing them for the
forthcoming school year, etc. The Jewish Agency will continue coordinating
between the governmental authorities and the philanthropic appeals to
ascertain the needs on the ground, in order to provide a fitting response to
the severe problems which have awakened.

For further details, please contact:
Michael Jankelowitz
Liaison to Foreign Press
Jewish Agency for Israel

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