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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Al-Aqsa Brigades present new rocket in West Bank

Al-Aqsa Brigades present new rocket

Members of Fatah's armed wing parade in Nablus to show off new Jund Allah 1
rocket; activists: 'If Israel attacks, rockets will be fired at Israeli

Ali Waked YNET 28 November 2006

As the fragile ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians goes into its
third day, dozens of members of the of the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade gathered
in Nablus for a military parade showing off what they say is the new and
improved rockets of the organization in the West Bank.

The activists claimed that the rocket is a new model called Jund Allah 1,
and it will be operational soon to be launched at Israeli targets.

The Brigades clarified that in case of an Israeli escalation, the rockets
will land in a short time in Israel.

However, senior commanders within the organization told Ynet that the cell
which displayed the rockets does indeed belong to the organization, but
there has not been a decision yet whether to restart the rocket fire towards
Israel. According to one of the commanders, the group consists of young
activists who are looking to prove themselves, to claim credit and to make
themselves noticed.

"But from here to actual fire, the distance is long," he said.

In the meantime, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh left the confines
of Palestinian territories for the first time since his election into
office. Haniyeh left for meeting with neighboring countries and will visit
Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

Haniyeh left Gaza through the Rafah crossing, but due to coordination
problems with Israel, he was held up for about four hours before allowed to
cross into Sinai with his entourage. Before his departure, Haniyeh said that
the purpose of the visit is to strengthen the relations with the Arab states
and to ask for assistance from them due to the international sanctions.

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