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Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saudi suspects seeking to revive Al Qaeda - includes 11 who attended Saudi rehab after release from Guantanamo Bay

Saudi Arabia issued the list ...They include 11 who have been released from
the US prison at Guantanamo Bay and have attended the kingdom's touted
extremist rehabilitation program.

Saudi suspects seeking to revive Al Qaeda - includes 11 who attended Saudi
rehab after release from Guantanamo Bay
Khaleej Times - 08 February, 2009

One of the men on the Saudi Arabia's new most-wanted list is married to
Osama bin Laden's daughter while another was involved in a plot to kill the
US ambassador in Yemen. A third smuggled militants into Iraq from Syria.

Documents profiling the 85 wanted men - 83 Saudis and two Yemenis - reveal
that many of them either took part in planning attacks targeting oil,
security and other installations in the kingdom or provided Al Qaeda members
with weapons, safe haven, false documents and money.

The documents illuminate the extent of Saudi participation in the shadowy
extremist networks struggling to rebuild in the Arabian peninsula after a
series of harsh crackdowns in past years. All the men on the list are hiding
abroad, many in neighboring Yemen.

Saudi officials say Yemen's lawless hinterland gives these militants a place
to hide, while keeping them close to the kingdom and their source of

Yemen, meanwhile, has announced plans for a major operation against an
entrenched Al Qaeda presence around the city of Marib, east of the capital.
Tribal leaders have been called on to hand over any militants.

The men on the list were all ages and came from throughout the kingdom,
according to documents provided to The Associated Press on Saturday by a
Saudi official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of
the issue.

The youngest, 16-year-old Abdul-Ilah Al Shihri, was only nine around the
time of the Sept. 11 attacks. He was smuggled into Yemen to join Al Qaeda
there by his uncle, according to the documents.

The official said the men are active members of Al Qaeda or local offshoots
and planned to re-establish the terror network in Saudi Arabia following the
kingdom's aggressive campaign, which had netted hundreds of members and

Al Qaeda has not carried out a major attack since February 2006, when
suicide bombers tried but failed to attack an oil facility at the Abqaiq oil
complex, the world's largest oil processing facility, in eastern Saudi

Saudi Arabia issued the list on Monday and sought Interpol's help in
arresting the men. They include 11 who have been released from the US prison
at Guantanamo Bay and have attended the kingdom's touted extremist
rehabilitation program. Among them were two Saudis who have emerged as the
new leaders of Yemen's branch of Al Qaeda.

Documents were available for six of those men, all of whom left Saudi Arabia
in 2000 before eventually making their way to Afghanistan where they were
captured and then taken Guantanamo. After being released to the Saudis and
going through rehabilitation, the men slipped across the border into Yemen.

Another man on the list, Mohammed Aboul-Kheir, 34, is married to the
daughter of Al Qaeda leader bin Laden and worked as his bodyguard. He had
links to Ramzi Binalshibh, one of five co-defendants facing murder and war
crimes charges for alleged roles in the Sept. 11 attacks.

The documents put his whereabouts in either Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iran.

Another wanted Saudi, Saleh Al Qaraawi, has been dubbed by the local media
as one of the most dangerous men on the list. The documents say that Al
Qaraawi, 27, provided money and recruits for Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, the head
of Al Qaeda in Iraq who was killed in June 2006.

'He received intensive training in Iran in the use of electronics in
explosions,' said the documents.

'He also attempted to establish a new terror cell in the kingdom,' the
documents added.

They said Al Qaraawi left for the United Arab Emirates in 2007 on a forged

Qassem Al Reemi, 30, meanwhile, one of the few Yemenis on the list, has
'links to a plot targeting the US ambassador in San'a,' the capital of

'He rented the house in which the plot for that operation was hatched,'
according to the documents. 'He also monitored the US Embassy.'

No such attack has taken place, but in September gunmen did assault the
embassy gates, leaving 19 people dead, including six militants. Al Qaeda
claimed responsibility.

The Saudi campaign against Al Qaeda began in earnest in 2003, when militants
first struck inside the kingdom, which is bin Laden's birthplace and home to
15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers. The network's attacks have targeted
expatriate residential compounds, oil installations and government

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