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Sunday, June 28, 2009
Shimon Schiffer: DM Barak to propose 3 month freeze but with ongoing construction continued

Shimon Schiffer: DM Barak to propose 3 month freeze but with ongoing
construction continued
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 28 June 2009

Correspodent Shimon Schiffer writes in today's edition of Yediot Ahronot
that according to Israeli government sources, DM Ehud Barak will propose a
three month freeze on settlement construction when he visits the United
States this week.

The freeze, that would apply to all new construction - including in the
settlement blocs (though not clear if also applies to Jewish neighborhoods
in Jerusalem) - would be in order to facilitate the renewal of talks with
the PA.

According to Schiffer, the proposed freeze would not apply to projects
already well underway that include some 2,000 buildings - principally public
buildings - in the settlement blocs.

Schiffer notes that a study of construction carried out three weeks ago by
Yediot Ahronot found that at the end of 2008 no less than 3,200 new housing
units were under construction in Judea and Samaria.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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