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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The New York Times Goldstones Israel Again. Doubles the Number of Civilian Casualties in Gaza

Lenny Ben-David Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The New York Times Goldstones Israel Again.Doubles the Number of Civilian
Casualties in Gaza

There in the middle of a silly article about Justin Bieber's visit to
Israel, The New York Times' Isabel Kershner goldstones Israel.

"Last Thursday, a 16-year-old Israeli boy was critically wounded by an
antitank missile fired by Hamas militants at a school bus in [SIC] Gaza.
That triggered days of intense exchanges of fire, during which 18
Palestinians, about half of them civilians, were killed."

So how much is "about half" of 18? How many dead civilians? Eight? Nine?

Actually, the real number of civilians killed is five. It's relatively easy
to find out just by looking at Arab sources in English. And according to
Arab sources, four were in close proximity to terrorists firing missiles at

A list of the 18 dead can be found below and on the site of Muslim News.
Next to the names, I identified them as "fighters" or "civilians." That
determination is based on linked articles in the Muslim News, the
Palestinian Maan News Agency or Human Rights Watch.
1. Mahmoud Al Manasra, 50, Al Shijaeyya. Civilian
2. Mohammad Al Mahmoum, 25, Rafah. Fighter
3. Mosab Al Sufi, 18, Rafah. Fighter
4. Saleh Al Tarabeen, 38, Rafah. Fighter
5. Khaled Ad-Dabary, 23, Rafah. Fighter
6. Mo’taz Abu Jame’, Khan Younis. Fighter
7. Abdullah Al Qarra, Khan Younis. Fighter
8. Nidal Qdeih, 21, Khan Younis. Civilian
9. Najah Qdeih, 48, Khan Younis. Civilian
10. Talal Abu Taha, 55, Khan Younis. Civilian
11. Raed Shihada, 27, northern Gaza. Fighter
12. Bilal Al ‘Ar’ir, 23, Al Shijaeyya. Fighter
13. Mahmoud Al Jaro, 10, Al Shijaeyya. Civilian
14. Ahmad Ghorab, northern Gaza. Fighter
15. Mohammad Awaja, Rafah. Fighter
16. Taiseer Abu Sneima, Rafah. Fighter
17. Ahmad Al Zeitouniyya, northern Gaza. Fighter
18. Zuheir Al Bir, Al Zeitoun neighborhood – Gaza. Fighter

According to Human Rights Watch, "Kamal al-Manasra, a relative of Mahmoud Al
Mansara (number 1), who lives next door, and Sami Harazen, said that about 3
p.m. they heard what sounded like a small rocket being launched from
somewhere in or near the neighborhood.... 'Two minutes after the rocket, I
heard a shell hit my uncle's [Mahmoud's] house,' said Kamal al-Manasra. 'My
uncle and his son and brother went over to check on the house, and while
they were returning another shell fell on my uncle and killed him.' Harazen
gave a similar account, though he believed the Israeli response occurred
less than one minute after the rocket launch."

In the case of Nidal (8) and Najah (9) Qdeih, Nidal's uncle Fayez Qdeiah
told Human Rights Watch that "he heard three mortars fired by Palestinian
armed groups from somewhere nearby."

Human Rights Watch also places another civilian next to a rocket-launching
terrorist. "Residents of Shajaiya told Human Rights Watch that members of
the armed wing of Islamic Jihad fired mortar rounds from a cemetery in the
middle of the neighborhood.... Shortly after the mortar attack, at around 7
p.m., an Israeli strike hit the cemetery but caused no casualties, residents
said. About 10 to 15 children from the area ran into the cemetery to look at
the strike site. Five minutes later, residents said, a second strike hit the
area, killing one of the children, Mahmoud Wael al-Jaro (13), and a member
of Islamic Jihad named Bilal al-Areer (12).

View the rocket in the cemetery in this video released by the Israel Defense

Ms. Kershner should be encouraged to continue reporting on Justin Bieber.
The intracacies of the Palestinian terrorist and propaganda war against
Israel are beyond her grasp.

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