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Friday, July 27, 2012
Palestinian news agency more even handed than BTselem? Report on incident cites Israeli explanation that Palestinian teenager was violent

"When the commander of the force arrived at the scene he was brutally
attacked by one of the Palestinians, an incident which doesn't appear in the
video," the military said in a statement.

Video: Israeli soldier headbutts Palestinian teen
Published yesterday (updated) 27/07/2012 13:06

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- An Israeli soldier was caught on camera headbutting a
Palestinian teenager on Wednesday, according to footage captured by a
volunteer for Israeli organization B'Tselem.

The incident occurs at an Israeli army checkpoint in the West Bank city.
Soldiers order a group of young Palestinians to present their ID cards, and
one of the teenagers is shown arguing with the soldier.

An Israeli officer arrives at the scene and is seen, at 1:05 in the video,
headbutting the teenager, identified by B'Tselem as 17-year-old Thaer

Ghanam can be seen bleeding from his face as the soldier continues to
assault him.

B'Tselem says its volunteer stopped filming and went outside, where he
filmed Ghanam being arrested and put into an army jeep blindfolded and
handcuffed. The teenager was later released and treated in a hospital in
Hebron for a broken nose, B'Tselem said in a statement.

Israel's army said in a statement that a group of Palestinians had refused
to identify themselves to soldiers who were conducting "routine activity" in

However, at the start of the footage the soldier can be seen holding green
Palestinian ID cards as he talks to the Palestinian youths.

"When the commander of the force arrived at the scene he was brutally
attacked by one of the Palestinians, an incident which doesn't appear in the
video," the military said in a statement.

The army added that the video seemed to have been edited and did not reflect
the incident as it happened.

B'Tselem said the video sequence included all video footage from the
incident in consecutive order.

"All breaks in the footage are due to the cameraman stopping the filming,
during the incident and while leaving his house to continue to film in the
street," the human rights organization said.

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