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Monday, December 3, 2012
Dr. Mina Zemach explains weighting scheme used for Saban Center Poll of Israelis

IMRA contacted Dr. Mina Zemach of Dahaf, the group that prepared the poll,
to explain the notation to the poll: "The Jewish subsample was weighted to
match political participation in the 2009 Israeli Knesset election."

The following is IMRA's English translation of her reply:

Dear Aaron,

I did not talk with [Prof.] Shibley after the conference but I hope that the
findings generated interest and the best evidence of this is the question
you have addressed to me.

All studies in Israel show that the variable that best explains the
differences in responses to questions of a political, social and economic
nature is the voting patterns of the respondents and therefore it is
important that the sample represents the population in accordance with their
voting pattern. The objective data that we have in this matter are voting
patterns in the last Knesset elections – in this instance the 2009

Since four years have passed, the 2009 voting profile of the people who have
the right to vote today differs from the profile of those with the right to
vote on 2009. We therefore make the following adjustments:

- Add in the age group that did not participate in the vote in the last
election. (This group is a little over 2% each year, now four years after
the election in 2009, it is estimated at - 8.5%).

- On the other hand we know that there were voters who passed away over the
four years and there is a connection between the party voted for and
mortality rates, so we also adjust for this.

The result is the appropriate weights.

In summary, we do weighting for the following groups:

- people who had the right to vote in elections in 2009 but refrained from
voting (Weight significantly less than what one would derive from the
elections rolls because the election rolls include people who live overseas
but retain their citizenship and our data refer only to those who were
actually available to vote in Israel).

- The second group - people who for the first-time have the right to vote.

- The third group - people who voted for the various parties in 2009 with
appropriate adjustments resulting from the entry of new voters and deaths of
people who participated in the 2009 elections.

Since the voting pattern of the Arabs is very different from that of the
Jews, you cannot weigh the two groups together.

Best regards,
Mina Zemach

[In a follow up telephone conversation, Dr. Zemach noted that they did not
experience any problem in getting accurate information from respondents as
to what party they voted for in 2009 – with the exception of Shas voters.
The Shas voters are underrepresented in polling – and it is believed that
some people who voted for Shas in 2009 are now responding that they voted
for the Likud. To be clear – the weighing scheme does not force back the
current results to the 2009 political balance in the country.

[IMRA:The poll proposes a nuclear free zone based on effective international
inspection. This is a typical "if pigs could fly questions. What is the
policy making value of "if pigs could fly" question? Here is the problem:
The people promoting the policy (nuclear free zone) may not really care if
pigs can or cannot fly. In fact, should such a deal go through they could
claim that the pig is indeed flying (namely that the nuclear inspections are
iron clad absolutely foolproof) even though it isn't and press Israel to
give up its nuclear weapons. ]

Israeli Public Opinion after the November 2012 Gaza War
November 30, 2012

Abe Medoff managed the production of the report, with contributions from
Sally Kaplan and Kyle Gibson. This project was funded by the Anwar Sadat
Chair and the Circle Foundation.
The poll was conducted on November 21 and November 24-25, 2012, through
telephone interviews with a sample of 600 adult Israelis (510 Israeli Jews
and 90 Israeli Arabs). The margin of error for the full sample is +/-4.0%.
The survey was fielded by the Dahaf Institute in Israel. Of the 510
interviews with Israeli Jews, 156 were obtained on November 21 in the hours
before the ceasefire took effect at 9 pm that evening. The Jewish subsample
was weighted to match political participation in the 2009 Israeli Knesset

The Following are the findings from a nationally representative poll of 600
Israelis conducted on November 21, 25, and 26, 2012:

1 Regarding what is happening these days, do you think Israel is better or
worse off than before the escalation in the Gaza strip front?
Israeli Jews

Israeli Jews

The same
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

2 Who, in your opinion, won the combat in the Gaza strip?

Israeli Jews

Israeli Jews

Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

3 Do you believe that the fighting between Israel and Palestinian groups in

Will end for good only when there is a political final status
agreement with the
Palestinians.................................................... 29%
Israeli Jews

Will end only through a major Israeli military campaign
in Gaza.
Israeli Jews

Will end only if Israel reoccupies Gaza.
Israeli Jews

It will not end.
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

4. How would you describe your views of President Barack Obama of the

Very positive
Israeli Jews
Somewhat positive
Israeli Jews
Somewhat negative
Israeli Jews
Very negative
Israeli Jews
Don’t know/Refused

5. Which world leader (outside your own country) do you admire most? [Open-
Angela Merkel
Israeli Jews
Israeli Jews
Israeli Jews
Israeli Jews
Israeli Jews
Israeli Jews
Mohamed Morsi
Israeli Jews
No one
Israeli Jews
Israeli Jews
Don’t know/Refused

6 Support for Israel’s security needs is:
Israeli Jews

Israeli Jews

Stayed about the
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

7. STATEMENT: Thinking about the American public is it your impression that
its support for the following has increased, decreased, or stayed about the
same over the last few years.

Support for Israeli government policies:

Israeli Jews

Israeli Jews

Stayed about the
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Don’t know/Refused

8. In its second term, do you expect the Obama administration’s relations
with Israel to:
[Alternate Reverse Order the response options]
Israeli Jews

Stay about the same
Israeli Jews

Get Cooler
Israeli Jews

Depends on who is elected in
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

9. In President Obama’s second term, how do you think the personal
relationship between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama will
affect American support for Israel? Do you think it will:

Increase American support
........................................................... 23%
Israeli Jews

Will not make much
Israeli Jews

Diminish American support
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

10. Is it your impression that during the American Presidential elections,
Prime Minister Netanyahu:
Supported the Republican candidate Mitt Romney ...................... 61%
Israeli Jews

Supported the Democratic candidate, President Obama ................12
Israeli Jews

Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

11. How likely do you think it is that Iran will eventually develop nuclear
Very likely
Israeli Jews

Israeli Jews

Not very likely
Israeli Jews

Not at all
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

12. There is talk of a possible Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Do you:

Support such an attack
.................................................................. 38%
Israeli Jews

Oppose such an
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

13. In regard to a possible Israeli military strike against Iran’s
nuclear facilities, what do you think Israel should do:

Strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, even without the
support of the U.S.
...................................................................... 20%
Israeli Jews

Strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, but only if Israel
gains American support
Israeli Jews

Do not strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Israeli Jews
Don’t know/Refused

14. Given American’s recommendation that Israel not strike Iran, what do you
believe the U.S. government’s reaction would be if Israel strikes anyway:
It would join the war on Israel’s behalf
........................................ 24%
Israeli Jews

It would support Israel diplomatically, but not provide
military assistance
Israeli Jews

It would stay
Israeli Jews

It would punish Israel by withdrawing its current
support to
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

15. What do you believe the likely outcome would be if Israel strikes

It would delay Iran’s capabilities to develop
nuclear weapons by 1-2 years
....................................................... 19%
9% Israeli Jews

It would delay Iran’s capabilities by 3-5 years
Israeli Jews

It would delay Iran’s capabilities by more
than 5 years
Israeli Jews

It would accelerate Iran’s nuclear program

It would have no effect on Iran’s nuclear
Israeli Jews
Don’t know/Refused

[IMRA: Is the next series of question a typical "if pigs could fly"
questions? What is the policy making value of "if pigs could fly" question?
Here is the problem: The people promoting the policy (nuclear free zone)
may not really care if pigs can or cannot fly. In fact, should such a deal
go through they could claim that the pig is indeed flying (namely that the
nuclear inspections are iron clad absolutely foolproof) even though it isn't
and press Israel to give up its nuclear weapons. ] ]

16 Statement: Now I would like you to consider a possible international
agreement for making the Middle East region a zone free of nuclear weapons.
Here is how it would work.

First, all countries in the region, including Iran and Israel, would agree
to have a system of full international inspections of all facilities where
nuclear components could be built or maintained. Would you favor or oppose
such international inspections? Is that strongly or somewhat?

Strongly favor
Israeli Jews

Somewhat favor
Israeli Jews

Somewhat oppose
Israeli Jews

Strongly oppose
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

Second, once the effectiveness of this inspection system was fully
demonstrated to all countries involved, then all countries in the region,
including Iran and Israel, would commit to not having nuclear weapons. Would
you favor or oppose such a commitment? Is that strongly or somewhat?

Strongly favor
Israeli Jews

Somewhat favor
Israeli Jews

Somewhat oppose
Israeli Jews

Strongly oppose
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

So finally, I would like you to consider a possible international agreement
for making the Middle East region a zone free of nuclear weapons. First, all
countries in the region, including Iran and Israel, would agree to have a
system of full international inspections of all facilities where nuclear
components could be built or maintained. Once the effectiveness of this
inspection system was fully demonstrated to all countries involved, then all
countries in the region, including Iran and Israel, would commit to not
having nuclear weapons. So now, do you favor or oppose the idea of having a
nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East that would include both Islamic
countries and Israel? [Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?]

Strongly favor
Israeli Jews

Somewhat favor
Israeli Jews

Somewhat oppose
Israeli Jews

Strongly oppose
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

17. As you may know, there is some talk about possible negotiations between
Iran and the United States about Iran’s nuclear program. If Iran were to
allow UN inspectors permanent and full access throughout Iran, to make sure
it is not developing nuclear weapons, do you think Iran should or should not
be allowed to produce low level nuclear fuel that could only be used for
producing electricity?

Should be allowed
Israeli Jews

Should not be
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

18. If the Syrian opposition were to gain power, as compared to the Assad
regime, do you think this would be better for Israel or worse for Israel?

Better for Israel
Israeli Jews

Worse for
Israeli Jews

It won’t make a difference
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

19. How would you characterize the current conflict in Syria?

It is mostly about ordinary Syrians seeking freedom
from a repressive
regime............................................................... 37%
Israeli Jews

It is mostly about Islamist groups trying to take power .................27
Israeli Jews

It is mostly a civil war among ethnic factions
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

20. Which of the following is closer to your view about the impact of the
Arab Spring on Israel?

It is mostly for the better
............................................................... 15%
Israeli Jews

It is mostly for the worse
Israeli Jews

It makes no
Israeli Jews

Not sure
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused 8 14

21. Thinking about the next four years, what do you think is most likely to
happen to the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty?

It will remain in force in its present form
..................................... 36%
Israeli Jews

It will remain in force, but will be modified
Israeli Jews

It will be terminated
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

22. As you may know, Mohamed Morsi has been president of Egypt since June.
Would you say his policies toward Israel have been:

Worse than you expected
.............................................................. 23%
Israeli Jews

Better than you
Israeli Jews

About the same as you expected
Israeli Jews

Don’t know/Refused

23. In 2002, Arab countries offered the Arab Peace Initiative, a
comprehensive peace deal with Israel based on Israeli withdrawal from the
territories occupied in the 1967 war and full peace agreements between
Israel and all Arab states. If this offer is renewed with support from Egypt’s
new government, how should the Israeli government react? Do you think it

Accept the offer as
proposed......................................................... 13%
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Accept the offer as the basis for
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Reject the
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Don’t know/Refused

24. Which of the following statements is closer to your view?

I am prepared for a just and comprehensive peace with the Arabs based on the
1967 borders with agreed modifications and the establishment of a peaceful
Palestinian state next
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Even if all the Arab states accept and recognize Israel
I still oppose withdrawing from territories occupied in
1967 and the establishment of a Palestinian state in
the West Bank and Gaza
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Don’t know/Refused

25. Which of the following statements are closest to your view about the
prospects of lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians?

It will happen in the next five years
................................................ 7%
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

It is inevitable, but it will take more time
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

I don’t believe it will ever happen
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Don’t know/Refused

26. What do you believe is the likely outcome if the prospects of a
two-state solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict collapse?

It will lead to a one-state solution in which Israelis and
Palestinians are equal
.................................................................... 13%
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

It will lead to a state of intense conflict for years to come ............35
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

The status quo will continue with little change
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Palestinians will eventually surrender to Israeli power
give up and integrate into other
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Don’t know/Refused

27 [Ask Israeli Jews only]
Which of the following is your most important identity?

Citizen of the world
My family’s country of
Don’t know/Refused

28 [Ask Israeli Jews only]
Which of the following is closer to your views?

The Jewishness of Israel is more important to me than
its democracy

The democracy of Israel is more important to me than
its Jewishness

Both are equally important to

Don’t know/Refused

29 . How would you describe the current status of Arabs in Israel?

There is full equality between Arab and Jewish citizens .............. 28%
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

There is legal equality, but institutional and
societal discrimination
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

It is an apartheid relationship
Israeli Jews
Israeli Arabs

Don’t know/Refused

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