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Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Comparison of 2012 and 2013 State of the Union Address by Pres. Obama

#1 State of the Union - President Obama January 24, 2012

"Let there be no doubt: America is determined to prevent Iran from getting
a nuclear weapon, and I will take no options off the table to achieve that

But a peaceful resolution of this issue is still possible, and far better,
and if Iran changes course and meets its obligations, it can rejoin the
community of nations.
Our ironclad commitment -- and I mean ironclad -- to Israel’s security has
meant the closest military cooperation between our two countries in

#2 State of the Union - President Obama February 12, 2013

"Likewise, the leaders of Iran must recognize that now is the time for a
diplomatic solution, because a coalition stands united in demanding that
they meet their obligations, and we will do what is necessary to prevent
them from getting a nuclear weapon

In defense of freedom, we’ll remain the anchor of strong alliances from the
Americas to Africa; from Europe to Asia. In the Middle East, we will stand
with citizens as they demand their universal rights, and support stable
transitions to democracy.

We know the process will be messy, and we cannot presume to dictate the
course of change in countries like Egypt, but we can -- and will -- insist
on respect for the fundamental rights of all people. We’ll keep the pressure
on a Syrian regime that has murdered its own people, and support opposition
leaders that respect the rights of every Syrian. And we will stand steadfast
with Israel in pursuit of security and a lasting peace.

These are the messages I'll deliver when I travel to the Middle East next
month. ..."

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