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Friday, July 26, 2013
New Wave Poll: 52.7%:36.8% support two state solution but 54.5%:26.7% would vote against deal

New Wave Poll: 52.7%:36.8% support two state solution but 54.5%:26.7% would
vote against deal
Oppose 54.5% Support 26.7% Don't know 18.8%
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 26 July 2013

The survey of 500 Jewish Israeli adults was conducted by New Wave for
Yisrael Hayom 24 July 2013 and published on 26 July. Statistical error +/-
4.4 percentage points.

In principle do you support or oppose a two state solution?
Support 52.7% Oppose 36.8% Don't know 10.5%

Do you support or oppose the renewal of the negotiations with the
Support 62.7% Oppose 28.1% Don't know 9.2%

Do you think that this time the parties will reach a permanent agreement
that will put an end to the conflict?
No 73.1% Yes 5.3% Don't know 21.6%

If the negotiating team reaches an agreed wording for the two parties how do
you think the agreement should be confirmed?
National referendum 61.6% Government decision 29.9% Don't know 8.5%

Assuming that the agreement is based on the 1967 lines that will require
territorial concessions and minor border adjustments, how will you vote in
the instance that a national referendum will be held?
Oppose 54.5% Support 26.7% Don't know 18.8%

Without any connection to your personal position, if a national referendum
is held, what do you think the results will be?
Majority opposed 55.1% Majority support 24.8% Don't know 20.1%

Do you support or oppose the release of terrorists "with blood on their
hands" in order to facilitate the opening of the talks?
Oppose 84.9% Support 9.4% Don't know 5.7%

Do you support or oppose the release of terrorists "with blood on their
hands" as part of the negotiating process and object to progress in the
Oppose 78.1% Support 13.7% Don't know 8.2%

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il
Website: http://www.imra.org.il

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