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Sunday, September 1, 2013
Egyptian forces deploy around Suez Canal

Egyptian forces deploy around Suez Canal
Published today (updated) 01/09/2013 17:05

CAIRO (Ma'an) -- Egyptian forces deployed along the Suez Canal on Saturday
after an alleged terrorist attack was thwarted, Egyptian military sources

Forces supported by armored vehicles and Apache helicopters deployed on both
sides of the canal, military officials told Ma'an.

The head of the Suez Canal Authority said a container ship in the Suez Canal
was the target of a failed "terrorist" attack aimed at disrupting traffic
through the key waterway.

Admiral Mohab Mamish said "a terrorist" had yesterday launched the attack
against a Panamanian-flagged ship, adding in a statement that "the attempt
failed completely and there was no damage to the ship or the containers it

Egypt ensures right of passage for US Navy vessels through the strategic
Suez Canal, and Egypt's army receives $1.3 billion annually in US aid.

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