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Monday, November 11, 2013
Cairo prepares for huge step in relations with Russia

Cairo prepares for ‘huge step’ in relations with Russia
Egypt keeps door open for relations with Washington as it builds new links
with Russia
Abdelsitar Hetieta, Asharq Al-Awsat, Monday, 11 Nov, 2013

Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat—Officials in Cairo have confirmed that the government
is working on improving relations with Russia, but said this was not at the
expense of relations with other countries. This follows confirmation of a
planned visit by a high-ranking Russian delegation to Cairo, which will take
place on Wednesday.

Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Badr Abdelati told Asharq Al-Awsat that
“It is true, there are plans for strong relations with Russia, but not at
the expense of our relations with any other party,” in reference to the
United States, which provides Cairo with an annual aid package worth over
USD 1 billion, most of which goes to the armed forces.

The Russian delegation which is due to arrive on Wednesday will include
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. The
delegation will hold meetings with senior Egyptian leaders.

Abdelati denied press reports that Cairo’s improved relations with Russia
came at the expense of its relations with Washington, and said: “We do not
replace one party with another, but work to provide alternatives to serve
Egyptian national interests.”

“We want more partners and we want more friends,” he added.

In response to a question on whether this was a move to more dependence on
Russian arms, Abdelati said “we will pursue whatever serves the national
interest of Egypt,” adding that Egypt had previously announced its intention
to diversify its options and look for alternatives.

Abdelati said: “We have strong relations with the United States and we will
work on strengthening these relations further as long as there is desire [to
do so] from the American side. We are also working on strengthening
relations in security, political, economic, trade and tourism fields with
the Russia Federation and with other nations such as India, China, Brazil
and others.”

The Russian delegation’s visit is expected to last two days and will include
meetings with senior officials such as defense minister and deputy prime
minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, interim President Adly Mansour and
Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmi. Reports leaked by sources close to the
Egyptian government have said the two sides will discuss the possibility of
purchasing Russian arms and the renovation of the Aswan High Dam electricity
generators, at a cost of USD 4 billion.

Abdelsitar Hetieta

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