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Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Weekly Commentary: Mahmoud Abbas Fails the Litmus Test

Weekly Commentary: Mahmoud Abbas Fails the Litmus Test

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 19 June 2014

Has Mahmoud Abbas turned the corner?

There is a simple litmus test.

If and when Israel gets its hands on the terrorists who kidnapped our three

And the terrorists are still alive.

What does Mahmoud Abbas say Israel should do?

Does he say: Let those bastards rot in prison?

Or does he say: Israel must free all Palestinians it holds in prison
without exception.

That's the real question.

That’s the real test.

Because so far, when one considers the position of Mahmoud Abbas on the
release of the perpetrators of the most heinous terrorist attacks, it turns
out that no matter how well written the press release, no matter how strong
the sound byte, Abbas still insists that the terrorists be freed.

That's the real question.

That's the real test.

And any reporter or for that matter politician or "peace activist" who meets
with Mahmoud Abbas and declines to ask him the real question is only
engaging in self-deception.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava) Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il Website: http://www.imra.org.il

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