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Thursday, April 23, 2015
Weekly Commentary: Israel Celebrates 67 years – NOT TIRED!

Weekly Commentary: Israel Celebrates 67 years – NOT TIRED!
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 23 April 2015

“We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of
winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies,”
Ehud Olmert addressing The Israel Policy Forum - June 2005

A decade later we are still fighting courageously.

And we have no illusion that some piece of paper can change this.

Our children did not serve in a “peace army” and we also expect that our
grandchildren will have the privilege to defend the Jewish State.

But a decade after a criminally corrupt prime minister desperately sought a
way to throw in our collective towel we are most definitely NOT tired.

So as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu prepares to embark on what may very
well be the most challenging period the nation has faced in a generation,
he enjoys the critical advantage that he leads a resilient and determined
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