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Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Hamas: Reconstruction in exchange for Israel's security not accepted (but Hamas is committed to the truce)

Hamas: Reconstruction in exchange for Israel's security not accepted
Hamas newspaper 3 June 2015

GAZA CITY (Alresalah.ps) -- Member of Hamas Political Bureau Khalil Hayyeh
said on Wednesday that the Islamic Resistance Movement rejects the equation
that reconstruction is in exchange for the maintenance of Israel's security.

The reconstruction of the Gaza Strip is a right the donor countries cannot
compromise, said the Hamas senior leader.

The German Minister of Foreign Affairs placed emphasis on the importance of
maintaining Israel's security to start the development process in the Gaza

Hayyeh said that the halting of reconstruction is a state of extortion and
it is not acceptable, confirming that it is similar to what happened to
Iraq, when food was exchanges for oil.

He called on the international community to compel Israel to the
stipulations of the truce signed between Israel and the Palestinian
resistance and brokered by Egypt.

Hamas is committed to the truce, and Israel is demanded to adhere to its
conditions and stop violations.

Hayyeh criticized the PA over stealing the revenue taxes collected from the
people of the Gaza Strip.


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