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Friday, July 22, 2016
Observation: There is no none of the above candidate for president

Observation: There is no none of the above candidate for president
Dr. Aaron Lerner Friday, July 22, 2016

American voters are participating in a democracy that has a certain
structure to it.

I can very well appreciate that there may be American voters who are not
enthusiastic about either Trump or Clinton but that is not the question with
regard to who they vote for for president.

The question is which is a better choice.

Here in Israel we have the luxury of being able to choose a party that we
can more closely identify with since under proportional representation the
party we vote for doesn't have to "win" - it just needs to earn the support
of a relatively small percentage of the voters.

It would note that even in this arrangement there are citizens who stay home
on election day because they can't find a party that matches their views to
their satisfaction.

Back to the USA:

Even in the highly unlikely situation that an American voter concludes that
there isn't a scintilla of difference between Trump and Clinton this isn't
the end of the story.

If there are candidates for senator and/or congressman that an American
voter prefers, then they have to consider what impact Trump or Clinton
sitting in the White House will have on the ability of their senators and
congressman to perform.

To conclude: supporting the "none of the above" candidate not only
constitutes turning one's back on the American democratic system - it does a
disservice to the candidates who a voter may support for other positions
whose ability to perform will be significantly impacted by who sits in the
White House.
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