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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Weekly Commentary: From the eulogy presented by Aaron Lerner at the funeral of his father, Dr. Joseph Lerner

Weekly Commentary: From the eulogy presented by Aaron Lerner at the funeral
of his father, Dr. Joseph Lerner

Aaron Lerner Date: 18 May 2006

From the eulogy presented by Aaron Lerner at the funeral of his father, Dr.
Joseph Lerner, founder and Co-Director of IMRA, last Sunday in Jerusalem:

My father, Dr. Joseph Lerner, was a loving father, friend and colleague.

Though my father held the highest super-grade rank in the United States
Government that one could hold without being a political appointee, I cannot
recall even once that he didn't have time to spend with us.

For Joe Lerner family came first.

My loving father also was an activists' activist - he wasn't just an eitza
(advice) giver - he was an eitza implementer

In America Joe Lerner was, among other things, an adamant media critic - so
much so that when my parents made Aliyah the Ombudsman of the Washington
Post wrote a column on the editorial page of the Washington Post titled
"Last Call from Joe Lerner" wishing him well in Israel.

Here in Israel my father was an eitza implementer and facilitator: both
advising and funding such important projects as: Peace Watch, Media Watch
and the Association for Missing Soldiers.

And of course - IMRA - a hasbarah project that I have had the pleasure and
honor to work on together with my parents over these many years as our
shared "hobby".

I thank God that my father had all his intellectual power to the very end.

Just days before he became ill he briefed a group of 36 visiting Swedish
journalists in Jerusalem on Arab-Israeli affairs and working with a leading
Washington attorney succeeded (after a 33 year effort )for the first time in
having the chief executive officers of the top six U.S. oil companies
asked at a Congressional Committee hearing about their position on the OPEC
Cartel. As a result of their responses, legal action is being considered
against them.

It is my fervent hope that we can live up to the sterling example that my
father set as a loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
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