B'nai Brith Canada commends Ontario Legislature for condemnation of "Israel
Apartheid Week"
TORONTO, February 25, 2010 - B'nai Brith Canada commends MPP Peter Shurman
for having successfully introduced a motion, passed in the Ontario
legislature, to condemn "Israel Apartheid Week." The Jewish human rights
organization has also extended its congratulations to all parliamentarians
from across the political spectrum for recognizing rightly the inherent
vilification of events like "Israel Apartheid Week" and the dangerous
antisemitic outbursts that they encourage.
"The false label of Israeli apartheid is a loaded term intended to pollute
the campus environment with poison against the Jewish State," said Frank
Dimant, Executive Vice President of B'nai Brith Canada. "We applaud MPP
Peter Shurman for his leadership role in ensuring the Ontario Legislature's
condemnation of the fabricated apartheid label applied against Israel during
annual propaganda events. We commend all MPPs who voted with one voice to
condemn the false terminology of Israeli 'apartheid.'
"Today's resolution is an important first step towards what must be an
outright ban of 'Israel Apartheid Week' and other similar type events on
campus whose raison d'etre to promote hatred, and whose activities
invariably encourage harassment and intimidation of Jewish students."
B'nai Brith Canada CEO Frank Dimant and MPP Frank Klees
congratulating MPP Peter Shurman on his initiative, this morning.
For more information, please contact, Dan Rabkin, Communications Officer:
416-633-6224 X 140 / cell: 416-312-9173
B'nai Brith Canada has been active in Canada since 1875 as the Jewish
community's foremost human rights agency