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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Minister Edelstein Letter to Apple Regarding Third Intifada Application

��June 21, 2011

Re: Third Intifada Application

It has recently come to my attention that your company has approved an
application named "3rd intifada".

Upon review of the stories, articles and photos published by means of the
application, one can easily see that this is in fact anti-Israel and
anti-Zionist. Furthermore, as is implied by its name, the application calls
for an uprising against the State of Israel.

One of the aims of the application is to enable owners of your device to be
informed of protest activities, some violent, planned against Israel. The
same organization which initiated the application in question, just three
months ago, opened a Facebook page calling for an uprising against the State
of Israel by use of lethal force, while using hateful material based on wild
and groundless accusations.

As a result of an appeal I made to the CEO of Facebook, the company decided
to remove the page, once they were convinced of its harmful nature and
potential to lead to loss of life.

I believe APPLE, as a pioneering and progressive company, places the values
of liberty, freedom of expression and creativity as a guiding light. Also,
as a leader in its area, I am convinced that you are aware of this type of
application's ability to unite many toward an objective that could be

I therefore turn to you with the request to instruct the immediate removal
of the application in question and thus continue the tradition of "Apple"
applications dedicated to purely entertainment and informative purposes and
not serve as a instument for incitement to violence.

Best wishes,

MK Yuli Edelstein
Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs

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