Poll No. 197 March 25, 2015
The latest PCPO-poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali revealed the following key
(64.3 %) of the Palestinians evaluated their economic situations as ‘bad’.
(59.3 %) are in favor of boycotting the Israeli products.
(51.6 %) believe that there is a strong link between the results of the
Israeli elections,
the election of a new Prime Minister and the problems that
will take place in
the Palestinian territories.
(30.0 %) are in favor of returning to the peace negotiations, whilst (41.0
%) oppose that.
(32.5 %) would immigrate to a Western country.
Beit Sahour – Section of Public Relations
The latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali and conducted by the
Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (www.pcpo.org), during the period from
February 26 – March 14, 2015 covered a random sample of (1025) Palestinian
respondents representing the various demographic specimens of Palestinians
(18 years and above) living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and
Gaza Strip. It revealed that (41.0 %) of the Palestinian public oppose
returning to the peace negotiations with the Israelis at present.
Dr. Kukali
Dr. Nabil Kukali, President and founder of the Palestinian Center for Public
Opinion, said in a statement that there is a remarkable regression to the
support of the Palestinian public for the peace talks with the Israelis.
Whilst most of the public opinion polls that had been published in the past
years were in favor of continuing the negotiations with the Israelis, the
outcome of the present poll, however, unveiled that (41.0 %) of the
Palestinians expressed their opposition to the resumption of the peace talks
with the Israelis, because they are convinced that these talks that lasted
around (21) years didn’t conduce to any change to the present situation
towards the peace process and the establishment of an independent
Palestinian state.
Dr. Kukali further stated that the outcome of the Israeli elections and
their implications and consequences will surely have a significant impact on
the issues of peace, economic progress, trade and other, since (51.6 %) of
the respondents predicted that this impact will be vigorous, particularly as
the Israeli leadership plays a major role in contributing to the regression
of the peace process or to whatever potential opportunity that might appear
to realize a peaceful solution in the area.
Dr. Kukali concluded his comments saying that the Palestinian public do
believe that the truce between Israel and Hamas in Gaza serves well the
interests of both, the Palestinian people and Israel. Efforts made by
international parties as to reach a long-term truce between Hamas and Israel
in Gaza Strip are serving actually the interests of both conflict parties.
Dr. Kukali stated that the results of this poll clearly indicate the
presence of a severe economic crisis the Palestinian territories are going
through. The freezing of the funds’ transfer to the Palestinian Authority of
the Palestinian taxes and custom duties retained by Israel since months,
that reached already the amount of (2.5) billion NIS and that constitute
more than (70 %) of the PA’s revenues, the split of economy between the West
Bank and Gaza Strip, the problem of being incapable of paying the salaries
for the government employees in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as
the manifold restrictions and complications imposed by Israel on the
border-crossings and the check-points all over the West Bank; all these led
to the deterioration of the economic situations in the Palestinian
territories and their negative effects on all social levels, as well as on
the rate of unemployment and immigration, as the number of those who would
immigrate to the West, if they had the opportunity thereto, is rising. The
evidence is that in a previous poll conducted early this year, (27 %) of the
Palestinian public said they would immigrate, whilst in this present poll
the rate rose to (32.5 %). It should be particularly noted that the rates of
unemployment and poverty are rising among the groups of young people. All
indications show sadly that the economic situation in the future will be
much worse than it is now, since the present poll suggests that most of the
people living in the Palestinian territories don’t have a genuine
opportunity to improve their living conditions and don’t have so much hope
about the future.
Dr. Kukali pointed out that a high rate of the Palestinian public,
specifically (59.3 %), are in favor of boycotting Israeli products that can
be substituted by a Palestinian or otherwise a foreign product, as it is
illogical that Israel imposes an economic blockade on the Palestinian people
on the one side, and the Palestinians purchase its products on the other
side, taking hereby into consideration that the Palestinian imports from
Israel are amounting annually around 3.5 billion US-dollars. Hereunder are
the poll results in details:
The Peace Process
Regarding the question:”In general, are you in favor, or not, of returning
to the peace negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis under
the present circumstances ?” (30 %) said “Yes, I’m in favor of that”, (41 %)
said “No, I oppose” and (29 %) said “I don’t know”.
The Israeli Elections
Responding to the question:”Up to which extent, do you think, the outcome of
the Israeli elections might affect our country with regard to issues such as
peace, economic progress, trade and others ? In other words, what would be
the impact of the new Israeli Prime Minister on events that take place in
our country ?”, (14.5 %) said “a very strong impact”, (37.1 %) “a strong
impact”, (14.6 %) “a weak impact”, (18.7 %) “will have no impact” and (15.1
%) said “I don’t know”.
The Truce
With respect to the question:”Now nearly five months after signing the
temporary truce between Israel and Hamas, do you think that the truce is
serving more the interests of the Palestinian people or the interests of
Israel ?”, (33.2 %) said:”this truce serves more the interests of the
Palestinian people, whilst (30.6 %) said:”it serves more Israel’s interest”,
and (19.8 %) are of the opinion that “it serves the interests of both
parties, the Israelis and the Palestinians alike”.
(16.4 %) said: “I don’t know”.
The Palestinian Elections
Responding to the question:”What is the likelihood that the Palestinian
elections would be held in the coming 6 months ?”, (6.5 %) of the
respondents said “they will certainly be held”,
(35.1 %) “they are likely to be held”, (27.2 %) “they are unlikely to be
held”, (16.7 %) said:”they will certainly not be held” and (14.5 %) said “I
don’t know”.
The United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA)
With respect to the question:”How would you evaluate the recent UNRWA
decision regarding the non-payment of the lease receivables of those
citizens in the Gaza Strip, who are affected by the last war, taking hereby
into consideration that the reconstruction process did not start yet and the
UNRWA office in Gaza Strip declared that it will halt the payment of tens of
thousands of subsidies allocated for the repair of demolished houses, as the
international donors are running out of money”, (17.2 %) of the respondents
said:” it’s a positive decision”, (59.3 %) said:”it’s a negative one”, and
(23.5 %) said:”I don’t know”.
The Reconstruction of Gaza Strip
Responding to the question:”A senior envoy of the United Nations attributed
the reason of the delay in Gaza Strip reconstruction works to the lack of
cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, saying:”We need a
government that is capable of bearing the responsibility for that”,
emphasizing thereby the necessity to have an effective and stable
administration in the Gaza Strip. As this is not available, the
international donors, he said, are concerned about sending money to Gaza.”Do
you support or oppose this declaration ?”, (14.9 %) of the respondents
said:”I strongly support”, (31.7 %) “I somewhat support”, (25.8 %) “I
somewhat oppose”, (14.5 %) “I strongly oppose”, whilst (13.1 %) said:”I don’t
Peace between Palestinians and Israelis
Regarding the question:”Now think of the future, when your children become
in your age. Do you think that there will be peace at that time between
Israelis and Palestinians ?”, (2.7 %) said “certainly”, (22.2 %) said:”likely”,
(25.4 %) said:”possibly”, (12.9 %) “unlikely” and (25.9 %) said:”there will
be never peace”, whilst (10.9 %) said:”I don’t know”.
Boycotting Israeli Products
(59.3 %) of the Palestinian public are in favor of boycotting the Israeli
products, whilst (30.9 %) oppose that and (9.8 %) declined to answer the
relevant question.
The Economic Situation
(64.3 %) of the Palestinians evaluated the general economic situation in the
Palestinian territories as ‘bad’, whilst (27.9 %) evaluated it as ‘fair’
(mediocre), (4.4 %) as ‘good’ and (3.4 %) said:”I don’t know”.
And responding in this context to the question:”Do you think most people
living in the Palestinian territories have a genuine opportunity to improve
their living conditions?”
(26.3 %) of the respondents said ‘Yes, they have’, whilst (65.0 %) said:”No,
they don’t have”, and (8.7 %) said:” I don’t know”.
Worries About the Subsistence
Regarding the question:”Up to which extent are you worried at present about
the subsistence of your family ?”, (36.2 %) said “very much worried”, (38.3
%) “worried”, (19.2 %) “not so much worried”, (3.1 %) “not worried at all”
and (3.2 %) answered “I don’t know”.
The Concerns of the Citizen
Responding to the question: "What is your main concern at present? ",
(27.0%) answered " job / money", (32.4%) "the security", (22.8%) "the
health" and (17.8%) "the future".
The Content with the Life
With regard to the question: "How much are you in general content with your
life?". Taking into consideration that the answers were on a scale from 1 to
10, where (1) stands for the utmost degree of discontent and (10) for the
utmost degree of content. The outcome was in average (4.82) at a standard
deviation of (2.1). This means that the Palestinian public - in general - is
somehow discontent with their lives.
The Future
Responding to the question:”Are most people living in your area very hopeful
about the future ?”,(32.2 %) said “Yes”, (58.0 %) “No” and (9.8 %) said “I
don’t know”.
On the question:” If the immigration door to the West would be opened for
you, would you immigrate or stay in your country ?”, (60.4 %) answered “I
would stay in my country”, (32.5 %) “I would immigrate” and (7.1 %) said “ I
don’t know”.
Methodology of the Survey Study
Mr. Elias Kukali, Head of the Quantitative Researches Department at the
PCPO, said that all interviews of this survey were conducted inside the
respondents' homes, i.e. face-to-face during different working hours, at
least 5 hours a day, including the evening time, in order to ensure proper
representation of those sub-groups of the population, which would otherwise
be difficult to reach and selecting one individual in each household using
Last Birthday Method. The choices were taken from a total of (165) election
sites, from which (122) sites are located in West Bank and (43) sites in
Gaza Strip according to the distribution of the Central Election Commission.
These election sites were randomly chosen by using the method of the simple
random sample. These in turn were the beginning of the random sample choice
made from those regions in accordance with PCPO's long experienced
Mr. Elias Kukali has further established that the margin of error was (±2.77
%) at a significance and confidence levels of (5.0%) and (95%) respectively.
He added that the rate of the female respondents in this survey was (49.8%)
against (50.2%) male respondents. The distribution of the random sample
between the Palestinian two major regions was (62.0%) in the West Bank,
including East Jerusalem, and (38.0%) in Gaza Strip.
About PCPO
The Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) is a leading full service
research institute in Palestine and in a position to organize, implement,
handle and conduct national and regional field surveys, studies and
researches of any size within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The
PCPO is founded in February 1994 in Beit Sahour by Dr. Nabil Kukali, who
became the president of this center since that time. After the arrival of
the Palestinian Authority (PA), the PCPO was registered as a research center
under license number (Am/2). The Palestinian Ministry of information issued
the license that permits establishing satellite offices elsewhere in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip. Furthermore, PCPO is registered as a licensed
business at the Ministry of Treasury under number 989326251. The Palestinian
Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) is an independent institution and is not
affiliated or biased to any political inclination or party. In addition,
public opinion polls and surveys are conducted by PCPO with utmost
neutrality and professionalism and PCPO is devoted to provide researchers,
research centers and universities, policy makers, Palestinian political
parties, business men, the media, any parties interested or involved in
Palestinian affairs as well as ordinary people with reliable information and
data on the level and inclinations of the Palestinian public opinion with
regard to topics and politics of general, public interest. In addition, we
are a member of WIN/Gallup International, ANPOP, WAPOR and ESOMAR.
Since its foundation, PCPO is dedicated to the following activities:
1) Conducting public opinion surveys.
2) Omnibus polls and services.
3) Market studies on all kinds of trading activities.
4) Surveys of consumer attitudes, consumption habits, and market shares.
5) Pre- and Post-Advertising and Communication Research
6) Pricing.
7) Focus group sessions and workshops on various topics.
8) Rendering services in the field of investment, including feasibility
9) In-depth interviews & brainstorming workshops.
10) Branding and brand tracking.
11) Customer care research.
12) Social and Public Space research.
13) Household consumer survey.
14) Business – to- business survey.
15) Market Appraisal Studies.
16) Media Research.
17) Usage and Attitude.
18) Translation services from Arabic into English, German & Hebrew and
19) Training services that include civic education issues i.e. political
systems, democracy and human rights, pluralism, citizenship, gender
equality, women rights, conflict resolution, elections, media, leadership,
team work, statistical programs, institution management.
PCPO is now a name for reliability, credibility, competence and experience
not only in Palestine, but all over the world.
Contact Information
Please contact us if you have any questions about Research & Polling and its
Contact Persons: Dr. Nabil Kukali & Elias Kukali
Tel: 00970. 2. 277 4846, Fax: 00970- 2- 2774892
Mobile: 00970 599 726 878
P. O. Box 15, Beit Sahour - Palestine
Email: dr.kukali@pcpo.org
Website: www.pcpo.org