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Saturday, March 7, 2020
Weekly Commentary: Urgent message to convey to Ya'alon, Hauser, Handel and their Comrades (at least for the sake of history)

Weekly Commentary: Urgent message to convey to Ya'alon, Hauser, Handel and
their Comrades (at least for the sake of history).
Dr. Aaron Lerner March 8, 2020
[Translation of the Hebrew message sent out via every contact I have in
Israeli politics]

From your standpoint, the goal is to oust Netanyahu. But your partners see
Netanyahu's removal as a means to achieving other ends.

Goals which don't require a "peace partner".

The main goal is the maximum reduction of the Jewish presence in Judea and
Samaria - the "obstacle to peace". Please note that Kushner describes the
Trump Plan as an attempt to stop the growing Jewish hold in Judea and
Samaria, so he and Trump will encourage such a move.

The truth is that once the minority government is in place it will not need
your support. Under any scenario they will have time to cause irreversible

And you won't be able to do a thing to stop the disaster that you

A minority government will eradicate every inch of Jewish presence in Judea
and Samaria for which there is some sort of doubt about its legality. Any
outpost, any Jewish agricultural area not 100% perfectly registered as
Jewish owned, every inch with some kind of bureaucratic problem.

They will pull this off easily.

And that is just the beginning.

Because there is no need for a Knesset vote to arrange for the Palestinians
to occupy every inch of empty land in Area C.

In addition, a minority government could wage a fierce bureaucratic battle
against the Jewish community in Judea in Samaria via reduction in services
and other measures to dramatically deteriorate the quality of life in order
to encourage them to "return home."

I have been told that your hatred of Netanyahu is so great that it
overwhelms any other consideration, so this message may very well be futile.

But for the sake of history I hope someone who reads these lines will be
able to convey them to you.

So that at least you won't have the excuse that you did not know what
disaster you were causing with your own hands.
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