Weekly Commentary: Israel's Potential Contribution Towards Preparing For
Climate Change as Important as its Role in Preventing it
Dr. Aaron Lerner 29 October 2021
With the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference starting next week in Glasgow,
Prime Minister Bennett outlined plans for the Jewish State to do its part in
reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Bennett also mentioned Israel's potential contribution to the development
and commercialization of technologies for achieving these goals not only in
Israel but worldwide.
It would appear, however, that "preparedness" for climate change focuses
primarily on addressing the challenge of flooding.
While the world may face a dramatic challenge accommodating the migration of
people whose areas have been permanently covered with water, the top
catastrophe could be failing to feed a hungry world in the wake of climate
And this is where Israel has the potential to make huge contributions.
Developing crops and methods to raise crops which thrive on reduced water or
water with higher salinity, unusual temperature ranges etc.
Hungry neighbors are dangerous neighbors. We have a vested interest in
their not being hungry.
It will also be a tremendous export opportunity.
There already is some funding in this field but the threat to the world is
so great that we need to find ways to ramp up R&D before conditions may
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