Weekly Commentary: US to Israel - Freeze or Die
Dr. Aaron Lerner 11 February 2023
Let's be clear about the duration of the building freeze that American
officials expect from Israel. It's not until Ramadan is over, and it's not
until President Biden completes his visit to the Jewish State.
American officials are now openly threatening that if Israel ignores their
marching orders to continue the building freeze, this will jeopardize
American participation in operations to prevent a nuclear Iran. Since a
nuclear Iran poses an existential threat to Israel, the Biden team is
essentially saying, "Freeze or die."
I doubt that our Sunni allies are so committed to the Palestinian cause that
they consider preventing Jewish construction in Jerusalem or the Shomron to
be as important as stopping a nuclear Iran.
To be clear, I do not honestly believe that President Biden and his team
truly hold such a perverted set of values that this linkage is real.
However, every day that we surrender to this threat, we take one step closer
to creating a national mindset in Israel that we must give in to American
blackmail. And inevitably, American demands will only increase.
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