Thursday, February 27, 2025 |
Weekly Commentary: Key Conclusion From October 2023 Disaster Ignored - |
Weekly Commentary: Key Conclusion From October 2023 Disaster Ignored - They aren't connecting the dots! Everyone in Israel is asking why Hamas's attack plan, codenamed "Jericho Everyone knows that the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister didn't We also are witness to the infantile argument that if, by some miracle, PM To be clear: I don't know if things would have played out differently if the Maybe they would have also ignored it. But it wasn't up to the security echelon to make this decision. I am not raising this issue to defend Netanyahu from criticism. Based on The security echelon already has a set-up which allows for anyone in the We urgently need to extend this arrangement to its logical conclusion: a The DM and PM won't be flooded with reports and warnings from low level They will be literally betting their careers on the importance of the From what we know today of the frustration of the lower echelons dealing It is reasonable, however, to conclude that they would have reached out to It is with a heavy heart that I note that even in the national camp there For the life of me I don't know why so many good Israelis are unable to There is legislation stuck in the Knesset addressing this issue. Even a dog who gets hit by a car learns not to go into the street again. We urgently need to learn our lesson. ________________________________________ Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Website: www.imra.org.il |
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