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Monday, March 3, 2025
Were MFO reports of Egyptian Treaty Violations Kept Secret?

Were MFO reports of Egyptian Treaty Violations Kept Secret?
Dr. Aaron Lerner 3 March 2025

Recently the reports of massive Egyptian violations of the terms of the 1979
treaty in the form of troop deployments and miliary facilities in the Sinai
have made it into the mass media.

Has the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) been sharing this
information for years with Egypt and Israel?

See below excerpts of the treaty and as well as the Protocol establishing
the MFO.

The MFO was supposed to check out Egyptian compliance in all the zones of
the Sinai

A search finds no explicit evidence in readily available public sources of a
formal agreement between Egypt and Israel to change the periodic
verification frequency from "not less than twice a month."

Which leaves us to disturbing questions:

#1. Has the MFO been reporting the Egyptian violations on a regular basis to
the Israeli Defense Forces' International Cooperation Division, part of the
IDF Planning Directorate?

#2. Who in the Government of Israel has been receiving these reports?

#3. Has the appropriate Knesset subcommittee received these reports?

#4. At what level has it been decided, for literally decades, to ignore the
MFO reports of these serious Egyptian violations?

#5. Why weren't these violations rectified within 48 hours?

From: Dr. Aaron Lerner
Sent: Monday, March 3, 2025 2:39 PM
Subject: Technical question: Can the MFO, at its own initiative, launch an
inquiry into Egyptian force deployments and military installations in the
Sinai which may not comply with the Treaty without a request from Israel?

Dear MFO,

Technical question: Can the MFO, at its own initiative, launch an inquiry
into Egyptian force deployments and military installations in the Sinai
which may not comply with the Treaty without a request from Israel?

Best regards,

Sent: Monday, March 3, 2025 6:19 PM
To: Dr. Aaron Lerner
Subject: RE: Technical question: Can the MFO, at its own initiative, launch
an inquiry into Egyptian force deployments and military installations in the
Sinai which may not comply with the Treaty without a request from Israel?

Dear Dr. Lerner,

Thank you for your interest in the MFO and our work. The Treaty and the
Protocol task the MFO with 1) operating checkpoints, reconnaissance patrols,
and observation posts along the international boundary and Line B, and
within Zone C, 2) conducting periodic verification of the implementation of
the provisions of Annex I of the Treaty of Peace not less than twice a month
unless otherwise agreed with the Treaty Parties, Egypt and Israel, and 3)
conducting additional verifications within 48 hours after receipt of a
request from either Treaty Party. (The MFO is also tasked with ensuring
freedom of navigation through the Strait of Tiran in accordance with Article
V of the Treaty of Peace but that is not relevant to your query.)

In all cases, reporting on MFO findings are provided to the Treaty Parties,
Egypt and Israel, only.


the Multinational Force and Observers
Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty
March 26, 1979

Annex I
Protocol Concerning Israeli Withdrawal and Security Agreements
Article VI
United Nations Operations
1. The Parties will request the United Nations to provide forces and
observers to supervise the implementation of this Annex and employ their
best efforts to prevent any violation of its terms.
2. With respect to these United Nations forces and observers, as
appropriate, the Parties agree to request the following arrangements:
2.2. Periodic verification of the implementation of the provisions of this
Annex will be carried out not less than twice a month unless otherwise
agreed by the Parties.
3. The arrangements described in this article for each zone will be
implemented in ones A, B, and C by the United Nations Force and in Zone D by
the United Nations Observers.
4. The United Nations Force and observers will report their findings to both
5. The United Nations Force and Observers operating in the Zones will enjoy
freedom of movement and other facilities necessary for the performance of
their tasks.

"Protocol Between the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the
Government of the State of Israel Establishing the Multinational Force and
Observers (MFO), with Annex"
August 3, 1981

Functions and Responsibilities of the MFO
8. The mission of the MFO shall be to undertake the functions and
responsibilities stipulated in the Treaty for the United Nations Forces and
9. The MFO shall supervise the implementation of Annex I and employ its best
efforts to prevent any violation of its terms.
10. With respect to the MFO, as appropriate, the Parties agree to the
following arrangements:
(b) Periodic verification of the implementation of the provisions of Annex I
will be carried out not less than twice a month unless otherwise agreed by
the parties.
(c) Additional verifications within 48 hours after the receipt of a request
from either party.
11. When a violation has been confirmed by the MFO, it shall be rectified by
the respective party within 48 hours. The party shall notify the MFO of the
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