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Friday, August 30, 2019
While PA Rewards All Who Murder Israelis Unofficial Hamas Fatwa Terms Those Engaging In Independent Operations Sinners

While PA Rewards All Who Murder Israelis Unofficial Hamas Fatwa Terms Those
Engaging In Independent Operations Sinners
Dr. Aaron Lerner 30 August, 2019

In a dramatic development, Hamas has apparently broken ranks with Mahmoud
Abbas on the standing of those who engage in independent operations.

The position of Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority is that anyone
who engages in a terrorist attack against Israel should be financially
rewarded regardless of either the nature of the attack or if the operation
was not sanctioned.

The following is an excerpt of a religious ruling (fatwa) by the "Shari'a
Committee in the Gaza Strip" posted on Gazan Facebook pages and the
Hamas-affiliated paldf.net forum after the August 17 attempt by an armed
terrorist cell to cross the border into Israel. [Thanks to The Middle East
Media Research Institute (MEMRI) for providing the material - published in
MEMRI Special Dispatch–Palestinians "Unofficial Hamas Fatwa Forbids
Independent Jihad Operations By Individuals, Sparks Debate Among Gazan
Social Media Users" ]

"...according to the Islamic shari'a a jihad fighter may not [carry out an
act of] war without the permission of his commander, lest he be guilty of
the sin of disobedience and causing harm, as detailed above,... and of
disrespecting the weapons he has been entrusted with. We bear no
responsibility for the sin of one who sets out on jihad without the
permission of his commanders, especially if he caused [the jihad fighters]
losses in money or lives, for a legitimate operation must meet two criteria:
honest intention and correct action... If the criterion of correct action is
not met, the one who carried out the operation is guilty of sin, even if his
intention was honest.

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