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Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Text of Proposed Basic Law: Torah Study (Declines To Define It)

Text of Proposed Basic Law: Torah Study (Declines To Define It)
Dr. Aaron Lerner 25 July 2023

While the intention of "Basic Law: Torah Study" is to enable those studying
in yeshivas not to serve in the IDF, the text does not actually say that.

Even the explanatory note accompanying the proposed law declines to to state
this explicitly. Instead the explanation is "those who choose to commit
themselves to study Torah for an extended period will receive recognition
for this regarding his rights and obligations." One could argue that the
intention of the proposed Basic Law could be met by giving those studying in
yeshiva a tax break on the obligation to pay municipal taxes and rights to
certain childcare funding which normally is only available to families in
which both the wife and husband are employed.

As can be seen in the following translation of Proposed Basic Law: Torah
Study, the term "Torah study" is not defined.

Nor for that matter does it define what "committing" to Torah study means.

The Twenty-Fifth Knesset
Proposed Basic Law: Torah Study
Initiators: Knesset Members
Moshe Rot,
Israel Eichler,
Yaakov Asher,
Eliyahu Baruchi,
Moshe Gafni,
Yaakov Tesler,
Yitzhak Pindrus.

1. Torah study is a fundamental value in the heritage of the Jewish people.

2. The State of Israel, as a Jewish state, sees utmost importance in
encouraging Torah study and Torah scholars, and for matter of their rights
and obligations, will consider those who have committed themselves to
long-term Torah study as those who provide significant service to the State
of Israel and the Jewish people.
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