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Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Weekly Commentary: Lack of Prison Capacity Precludes Successful Anti-Crime Campaign

Weekly Commentary: Lack of Prison Capacity Precludes Successful Anti-Crime
Dr. Aaron Lerner 30 August 2023

Our prisons are at capacity.

So we can spend a fortune tracking down criminals and arresting them, but
the judges aren't going to send many of them away for serious time because
there's no place in our prisons.

Years ago the Knesset legislated private prisons to solve the capacity

But almost 14 years ago, in November 2009, the High Court of Justice ruled
that private prisons severely violate prisoners' basic human rights and

Since that ruling we've basically done nothing serious to increase prison

We Israelis are fantastic in thinking out of the box and solving problems.

I am absolutely certain that we can come up with an emergency program to
erect a huge detention facility somewhere in the middle Negev desert based
on huge air conditioned tents with cages inside that have toilets and
showers etc. along with trucked in water and a water treatment facility and
then do an emergency tender to get this done.

Not a private facility. A facility which the Supreme Court will have
nothing to rule against.

We must think out of the box and get this solved.

Because if we don't solve the prison capacity problem everything else is
doomed to failure.
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