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Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Observation: Israeli Authorities Undermine Efforts To Convince Worshipers Not To Visit Uman By Sending Police

Observation: Israeli Authorities Undermine Efforts To Convince Worshipers
Not To Visit Uman By Sending Police
Dr. Aaron Lerner 12 September 2023

This week Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pleaded with Israelis not to
visit Uman after Ukrainian President Zelensky warned Netanyahu in a
telephone conversation that Zelensky has no ability to place a Ukrainian
police force in Uman to protect the worshippers. There are also no bomb
shelters available in Uman to protect the tens of thousands expected to
worship in Uman for Rosh Hashanah.

So after all this, one could imagine that within some families of people
planning to risk their lives in Uman there are some pleading with their
loved ones to cancel their plans.

Moshe Nussbaum of N12 reported last night that Israel is endangering the
lives of 20 Israeli police by sending them tonight to spend Rosh Hashanah in

The idea that 20 Israeli cops can protect tens of thousands of Jews from a
Russian bombardment sounds more like a version of the Haredi reliance on
miracles than anything logical.

The only thing sending the 20 Israeli cops will achieve, besides endangering
their lives as well, is to help undermine efforts of family members to
convince their loved ones not to go to Uman.

Oh yes. One more thing.

By sending the 20 cops the Government of Israel puts "skin" into the event.

So that if, forefend, something does happen, the inability of the Israeli
cops to adequately address the challenge will be subject to blistering

Apparently the decision makers are unable to think one baby step ahead.
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